The Big 4-0

Well, today is the day. The day I have come to dread in my life. The day that all of those silly forms I fill out change. I have turned forty. Forty.

I am almost surprised I have lived as long as I have to be honest. In high school I continually abused my body. In the military, I drank my meals AND abused my body. Yet, here I am. Alive and kicking.

My friends tell me that forty is the new thirty. That the stigma attached to forty is gone and life continues on from this point. Good thing. 100 years ago, the life expectancy for an adult male was 49. Today, it is 80. I guess this means I am actually half way there. This is my midlife.

And for my midlife crisis, I present...change. I have quit my job, taken another job in Northern Virginia, and am moving in with my Mother-in-Law until I can get the rest of the family there.

But is it change? Honestly, I think I am just trying to regain something I have lost. Back in Virginia, things were different. I still can't nail down exactly what it is that makes it different, but it is.

Do not mistake me, I love Chicago and the midwest. But right now, things are so up in the air...disturbingly...that I need to rediscover normalcy...if there is such a thing.

This brings me to my point (as I almost always have one). I am like a good cut of beef. I age well...but when left out on my own too long, can smell up half of the midwest.

Did you know...

The life expectancy of "non-civilized" native groups for current day is 34.


Anonymous said…
what counts as "non-civilized?" Who decides that?!

Happy 4-0. :)
Nirek said…
happy birthday John! best wishes for you to get what you want in your new place!
Anonymous said…
Happy Birthday Bud!!!

The train isn't the same. Best wishes
my friend
Anonymous said…
Speaking as a former Chicagoan, former coworker, and current east coaster, we're going to miss you, my friend.

Drop me a line when the fallout settles...
High Priestess said…
We miss you my friend. Just this morning we were discussing Euchre (the card game) and someone pondered aloud on the orgin of the word "Renig". I said that I wish you were here because you'd have whipped out the blackberry and enlightened us all! I plan on looking it up myself I guess. I have already wished you happy birthday in person - but wanted to drop a line to let you know that people have asked about you on the train and we all miss your smiling face - haven't seen a long island in what seems like weeks now! Drop us a note when you can to let us know how you're doing. HP
Anonymous said…
HAPPY BIRTHDAY! What are you running from?

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