The Deficit Discussion Part 3...Paying Government Employees

I have personally worked closely with a signicant amount of Federal employees. Most of the employees have good intentions, but some (just like any job) are lacking in ability. It is just too hard to terminate government employees. For this reason I propose several things:
  1. No employee of the Federal Government will be paid more than an equal position in the US Military. Seriously, members of the military are having to file bankruptcy because they are making a pittance in comparison to that civilian doing the exact same job in the desk next to them. Additionally, the military member can be told in a moments notice that they are leaving to a desert camp and the civilian is nearly impossible to terminate.
  2. Any member of elected or assigned position in the federal government will make the same salary as the median average in the US ($29,730). The elected positions should NOT be about making money, and rubbing elbows with lobbyist and dignitaries. These people are supposed to be representing their constituents in the government and representing their views. So, if elected and assigned positions are supposed to represent the interest of the average American, then those same people should earn the salary of the average American.
  3. Lobbyist should not be allowed to visit ANY government officials. By doing this, it forces the Lobbyist to actually convince the American people of their crazy schemes instead of a single politican on some commission to vote a certain way once they have had a contribution to the Jim Bob reelection fund.
  4. Nobody in elected or assigned positions will be paid if the annual budget has a deficit. Simple, you aren't doing your we aren't paying you.
This brings me to my point (as I almost always have one). Thank You. Being a Veteran, I know what is given in support of this wonderful country. I have the right to provide my opinion because of all of the people who have sacrificed time, sanity, and their lives and love ones for the principles and freedoms of the United States. So when people who do not have any idea as to the challenges involved with being in the military are making decisions about pay, way of life, and military movements, decide to give themselves a 5% pay increase while the soldier receives 1.5%, it really tweeks my nerve.


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