Startling Dream

I rarely remember dreams. Most of the time, I don’t sleep enough to even have a dream. But last night was different. Not only did I dream, but it felt real, it felt like nothing I ever felt before, and I verbally was yelling outside my dream. 

It started normal. Talking to my wife, fussing over my kid and waiting for dinner to get ready. As we sat down for dinner, I noticed someone at the back door... but not really there. She had a transparent red, shimmering light cast across her. I stood up, walked to the back door and pulled open the curtain over the window on the door. 

She was startled and froze on the stairs. I spoke through the door “can i help you?” She was visibly surprised and i could see that this was not something she expected. Instead of responding, she ran to a car that also had that same shimmering light. 

I saw another shimmering woman heading toward the front porch and I ran to the front of my house. As I reached the front window and looked out on the porch, I could see the first woman tell the second something but i wasn’t sure what it was. She looked at the front porch and saw me staring straight at her. They both started climbing the outside of the house using the trash cans, the electrical meter and pipe toward my daughters room on the second floor. 

I bolted up the stairs, busted into her room and waited. Panic started to fill me. How do I defend against these people. They clearly are not real...or real for this dimension. What could possibly disrupt them? Electricity? Water? As they entered the window, I was yelling “what?! What do you want?!”

Then in the real world, I felt Andi touch me to wake me. The questions of the past keep haunting me. Is there actually parallel universes? Is the veil from one to another so thin, some people can see it? Do we call those people schizophrenic, seers, or mystics? I started writing a novel about this type of thing before. I have to wonder if it is even possible. 


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