Open Fly

Today...I saw another man's penis. This was by no means by choice. He just didn't realize his fly was down.

Now, I have to ask all of the male readers of this blog...How don't you know your fly is down and your Willie is peeking out when it is 45 degrees outside and windy? I admit. I have left my fly down once or twice as a young man. But as I age, the thought of my Jimmie flowing in the cool winter air make me shiver just thinking about it.

There is another thing. How do you tell another grown man that his fly is down and his Thomas is outside it's shell?

"Hi, I don't know you, but I just wanted you to know I was noticing you Peter hanging outside your clothing...oh, have a nice day."

If someone told me that...the first thing I would think is "holy crap! how long has this been this way?" Next thought would be "why was that guy looking at my Winkie?"

This brings my to my point (as I almost always have one). Velcro. Zippers work their way down and you never know when you end up having that one bad zipper. Buttons are good...but they tend to be terrible when you have just-washed jeans.

Velcro is the way to go. Just slap that flap shut and you have nothing to worry about. If it can work for NASA, it can work for me. I know that Velcro can be somewhat noisy but if it will make sure that other men can keep Johnsons hidden, I say BRING IT ON!

Did you know...

Georges de Mestral developed the hook and loop fastener and submitted his idea for patent in 1951. De Mestral named his invention "VELCRO" after the French words velours, meaning 'velvet', and crochet, meaning 'hook'.


Mickey said…
thank you for using 5 of the funniest names for ones pecker. hahaha

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