Doras Talking Kitchen

Well, Avery was tucked in bed. After checking the video monitor, I removed the Dora's Talking Kitchen from the tightly packed box. I had it in my mind right from the start that putting this together the kitchen was going to be like building the Statue of Liberty with duct tape. In preparation I got out my toolbox, my laptop for the AltaVista translator, and every picture available of the Dora's talking kitchen to compare it.

So, I removed the tightly packed materials and began the search for the instructions. Of course, I can't find them. So, I spread all 25 pieces of the kitchen all over the floor and noticed something taped to the back of the largest piece of the construction set. What could it be? WOOOHOOO! The instruction set! I promptly opened my laptop to start the Chinese translation and to my surprise, IT'S IN ENGLISH! WITH BIG PICTURES! AND THE STEPS ARE SMALL! I can't believe it. I assembled according to the directions (which were right), and screwed in the phillips screws with my screwdriver (the only tool I needed) from my larger than life toolbox, and in less than 20 minutes, done. My wife came back from church and I was sitting here blogging.

I just have to say, after putting together Dora's Talking Kitchen, well done to the manufacturer! I usually dread Christmas Eve for having to put together the most complicated products in Chinese, Korean, or some other language I don't know, and either having extra pieces or not having enough.


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