
This post is a spin off to a post by MyLifeAndWorld. This guy is a good blogger.

Isn't it odd how the human body can all of a sudden decide it needs a nap? I have a theory about the human body I wish to express right now.

When you are first born, the human body can't survive without the help of others. The reason for this is cognitive function is not fully developed. This means that the baby needs diapers, long naps, and someone to help feed and clothe them. Without this help, the child would (morbid as this may be) discontinue life. The child often faces memory issues especially into his or her teens. This is reflected by the very common terms "I can't remember" and "I don't know." This is due to the brain still going through a developmental phase.

Through the young adult and middle-aged portions of life, people appear to have higher cognitive abilities even when they abuse of their bodies with alcohol and stupid human tricks. They no longer have to have a diaper, long naps, and only have someone feed them if there is some sort of fetish involved. The terms "I can't remember" and "I don't know" are replaced with "let me find out" and ""I will have to get back to you on that." The brain has fully developed.

Then comes the elderly and ancient phase of life (you know who you are). The cognitive functions begin to degrade. This category requires diapers, long naps, and someone to help feed and clothe them. Without help, the elderly would discontinue life. The elderly often face memory issues. This is reflected by very common terms "I can't remember" and "I don't know." This is due to the brain going through a break-down phase.

Now there is probably some doctor that has put this in detail in some technical paper about the human psyche. My point is... We will all end up at the same point sooner or later. Just remember now that SOMEONE is going to have to change your diaper after you take a long nap, feed you and cloth you. Be nice to your children. They will be the ones picking your nursing home.


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