Not losing weight...

I have hit my second week on the SparkPeople thing today. I have to admit stage 1 has shown me the error of my ways. I keep better track of the things I eat, exercise more, and overall, feel better. I can still enjoy my ham and cheese omelette in the morning as long as I trim back on other lunch. No more trips to Grand Lux for lunch. Chipotle Burrito Bol is my friend. The experimental meals suggested for us are not bad. I am not starving to death at the end of the day, but I am also not full.

Why speak about this today? Well, I can put on my socks easily again...after about 7 years. I never realized how nice it would be to not have to stick my foot on the bed so I can twist my leg into a praying mantis stance with a shoe horn in a pretsel twist to slip on one sock. I have noticed something else. My legs are much more muscular and better defined. The 1 1/2 mile walk to and from the train station daily doesn't hurt. That counts against my required cardio and that means the only thing I have to do that isn't part of my new routine is strength training.

I have some strength. But the low-impact exercises they require me to do for some reason kick my butt. I found out there are muscles in my groin that I didn't realize were there. Why in the world they feel I need to exercise my groin is beyond me. After all, I am married. Who needs to exercise the groin? Or maybe...that is why they think you need to exercise the groin. I digress.

So, I hopped on the scale (this is actually an affliction of mine as I have mentioned before) and waited for my numbers to show.

UP 6 POUNDS! This damn scale needs to be recalibrated. I am sure of it. I have followed this diet as closely as possible only going over on calories, fat, and carbs about 12 times of the 14 days. Who made this thing? I check the bottom and notice the tag..."Made in China."

Of course, that HAS to be the problem. The scale was made by people in a country that measures in Kilograms. How could they possibly know how much a pound is? They must have been thinking it was the weight of British pounds. Silly Chinese.

Maybe it was damaged in transport here. After all, China is a long way to ship something.

Maybe the gravitational pull of the Earth is slightly higher here. You know, it IS a full moon, I would bet that has something to do with it.

This brings me to my point (as I almost always have one). Do we really know what weight and body mass really are? Consider this, if everyone has a different theory of what is "healthy" and what is "physically fit," who is right? How is it our grandparents lived so long without all of the chemicals and preservatives? How is it they lived without worrying about fat, calories and carbs?

Do you think it could just be that they ate what they grew and you don't shit where you eat. I am thinking the companies making the steaks, chips, mayonnaise all are not really eating the food they make. Why is it we need to try to figure out what chemical (like trans-fats) are killing people, when we didn't need the chemical in the beginning.

Maybe we should try a little thing called logic.

Did you know...

Drive-thru bank automatic teller machines have braille. (Thanks Mr. Banker)


duwbryd said…
You may have a point concerning the Chinese scales. I recently spent 20 minutes trying to figure out what 500cc was in Cups to make Chinese noodles.
Anonymous said…
Hey N8 been awhile, but wanted to say hi and that I hope you are happy. I enjoyed your blog today it was great, umm wait yesterday cus it's tomorrow already. I've lost 12 lbs but then I've been taking meds that the doc gave me so I HAVE to lose it, cus of health reasons. Hope you continue to do good. Remember muscle weighs more than fat.
Anonymous said…
Muscle does weigh more than fat...if you look more toned, chances are that your "new" muscle is outweighing your fat loss. At one point, I swam twice a day and lifted weights and the scale said I was gaining weight even though I have never looked or felt healthier.

True story. I happened to me.

Take care! :)
Anonymous said…
I like the increased gravitational pull of the Earth theory. That way I don't have to depend on the location of manufacturer of the scale I'm using as my excuse. Gravity effects are always relevant. My only concern is that if the gravitational pull keeps increasing the way it has, it might reach a level that causes the solar system to implode, creating a black hole that will pulverize us all.
Me said…
I wish you hadn't switched...I keep forgetting to check Blogger... I just read your entry on Chicago, and I think it's wonderful. You want to slip that post somewhere into my husband's e-mail?...
Erin said…
Mmm, I agree about knowing where your food comes from. A good theory that I've heard is if your grandmother wouldn't have recognized it as a food in her youth, it's probably not healthy (gogurt, twinkies...). In general, the closer that your food is grown to you, the healthier it is. We have a share in a CSA (community sponsored agriculture project) in the summers where we get a bunch of fresh, organically grown veggies every week. And we don't have to garden. But I'm still overweight. *sigh*

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