A Not So Politically Correct Train Ride

It probably doesn't hurt any that I had a Long Island iced tea before boarding the train, but the train ride home was terribly interesting. To catch some of you up, I take a commuter train to work every day. The people I ride with are great. Diverse and uninhibited. Definitely not politically correct. In fact, the discussions that take place make the bold blush.

Anyway, today the discussions (because at any point in time there are 3 or 4 going on) circled around everything from ariating the lawn to burning the bush and I am NOT talking about a leafy plant. This may not seem terribly interesting, but the fact that everyone didn't really care about the discussion made it that much more interesting. Nobody was offended or put out by the conversations and the volume of the train car could rival that of a VanHalen concert front row seat next to the speakers.

So, here is a little snippet of the conversations. For the purpose of this conversation, one of the names will be made up. The others are actual names. Just for fun, guess who is made up.

Mr. Banker: Do women scratch their boobs?! (Again, everyone is yelling)
Mini-fridge: What do you mean?!
Mr. Banker: Well, guys scratch their balls, do women scratch their boobs?!
Mini-fridge: I am not even going to signify that with an answer!
Mr. Banker: It feels good for guys to scratch their balls! You would think after letting the twins loose, you would want to scratch them!
Mini-fridge: Well, How would I know?!
Tatonka (Me): Yeah, she doesn't have anything to scratch!

Mini-fridge thinks a second after almost agreeing and punches me.

Tatonka: Hey, I was backing you up here!
Mini-fridge: Yeah, right!
The Bailiff: I have never seen Tatonka slam Mini-fridge!

This brings me to my point (as I almost always have one). Do women scratch their boobs? I mean, why is it we are so worried about being politically incorrect? Women have boobs right? People are Mexican, or Puerto Rican, or White, or Polish. People understand their heritage. So why is it we have to call someone Hispanic or Latino?

Why is it we can't make fun of people who light their own pubic hair on fire...and video tape it? They were the ones stupid enough to do it in the first place and video tape it on top of that. I have to say, if one of my employees called into the office saying he could not make it to work because he is in the hospital with second degree burns because he lit his pubic hair on fire, after laughing, I would pick myself off of the floor, fire him and think about how evolution just clorinated that gene pool.

Let's stop all of this politically correct crap. Let the Florida Seminoles be the Florida Seminoles. The Seminole tribe does not have a problem with the name. In fact, they use it for their own advantage as a promotion to the tribe. Before determining the need for politically correct, ask the person. I know of lots of Native jokes and I find every single one of them hilarious. If you know that everything is in jest, why raise the red flag? Chill out everyone!

If they feel offended in our train car, I am sure they will move to a different car (as some do). That is because we can also be rather crude and indignant. The Sheriff actually made another lady uncomfortable enough that you could see her squirm. I think that was the "Dirty Sanchez" conversation. If you don't know what a Dirty Sanchez or a plethora of other terms used on the train is, here you go.

Did you know...

Van Halen singer David Lee Roth trained to be an EMT in New York City, and was certified in November 2004.


Rigmor said…
So maybe not politically correct, but probably a lot more fun. And it is nice when people are relaxed enough to not feel the need to be PC. I think. As for the questions, I guess it depends on whether they are itching.
I dont know why you had to ask. YOu sit next to me at night when I let the girls loose. Or are you too busy blogging? Blogger! :P

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