Christmas Adam

Christmas Adam is the day before Christmas Eve. After all, Adam came before Eve.

This is really the last day to do any real shopping as tomorrow the stores will close early. So, since I have hardly accomplished any of my shopping (being male and all) I headed out to the malls and department stores with all of the other males to hunt down the toys and junk that will take another year to get rid of.

Let's think about all of this for just a moment. The kids are having a hell of a time buying gifts for me. Why? Because I need absolutely nothing. I have everything I need and most everything else is just clutter after a month. I don't often get terribly excited about gifts or material goods. I am more of an experience type of person.

I would much rather go to a play, tool around San Francisco, or take dance lessons than have a watch that will surely be broken within a year. The other things I will remember forever. The MP3 player I will forget.

This brings me to my point (as I almost always have one). Material goods have their place especially if you are in a new relationship, have new family members or have a new home. But seeing and meeting the Blue Man Group or hiking the North Rim of the Grand Canyon are adventures you will remember forever. Even something as simple and not-to-expensive as having a limo pick you up on your birthday to take you to Morton's for the best dinner ever will stay with me forever.

One other point, the people who give a gift like that may not see the initial reward on Christmas Day, but will hear the accolades for years after. That is a satisfying gift that will never stop giving. One last thing... It is much easier to find a gift online for an experience on Christmas Adam or Christmas Eve. Because at that point, all you need to do is print out the receipt, go out to the yard and find a big rock, rap the receipt around the rock and throw it into a box or bag. It sounds last minute, but they will still love it.

Did you know...

According to the Bible, Adam and Eve had Cain, Abel, Seth and many other sons and daughters. With hundreds of child bearing years, it is likely they had 50+ children. God was not happy when God said "be fruitful and multiply."


Anonymous said…
christmas adams- I never heard abt this lingo before.
and I agree with you reg materialistic gifts. I think gifts remembrance is more gender based priority. Girls like materialistic gifts more!

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