Fed Up with Idiots

This is the second time I have come across this issue and I am frankly fed up. I find it terribly interesting and appalling that people actually have convinced themselves that this is true. Of course, history is written by people (mostly men) and is usually told by the winners, but this time, there is so much evidence against these idiots, I have a hard time believing they are walking on two legs.

What has me on this tirade? Holocaust Denial groups. Yes boys and girls, there are people on this planet that believe that the holocaust did not happen. They believe that the 5 million Jews that were "not" systematically killed by the Nazis and their allies must have all fallen down stairs or forgot how to set the safety on their squirt guns. They believe there was no such thing as a gas chamber and have set out to prove it with experts such as Quazimoto and Aquaman.

Seriously, they feel there never was a mass termination of life or that it didn't happen in the same way as the millions of people who survived state it happened. There are no mass grave littered across the European countryside.

WAKE UP! If you are one of those rare idiots that truly believes this, I open my comment box to your side of the issue. I have yet to be able to shove my head far enough up my own arse to arrive to the same conclusion. If you wish to educate me further, I welcome it.

These types of statements make me sick. Call it like it is people. The Nazis caused mass death among the Jewish populous. The American government caused mass death among 10 million Native Americans. The African natives brought to America against their will were slaves. The United States killed 200,000 Japanese people with two atomic bombs.

This brings me to my point (as I almost always have one). Before opening your mouth, you may want to actually ask the people who were there. For all of those people who claim the Pentagon was not attacked on September 11, 2001, shut up. Being one of the people in Washington, DC that day and knowing some of the people inside the Pentagon, you really need to get your fact straight.

Did you know... The second atomic bomb "Fat man" that hit Nagasaki was delivered by the B-29 bomber Bockscar.


Anonymous said…
I so understand where you are coming from and the people you are addressing need to wake up. I spoke a survivor from one of the camps some years ago, and I don't understand how people could say he would make all of that up. And I got seriously wound up by the people sleeping through his talk.

By the way, a beatiful book on the aftermath of 9.11 (if you like reading): Extremely loud and incredibly close.
Anonymous said…
Hi John,
I am not from Holocaust denial groups, as you said these are attempts by winners to rewrite the black history. Will come back to see if any members of Holocaust denial group has voiced their opinion.

I had hearty laugh on seeing a documentary film talking about the conspiracy angle of 9/11 attacks!

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