Joe, Jake, Jack, Jim, John

My boss in my second job calls me Joe. Even after correcting him repeatedly, he still calls me Joe. It has gotten so far out of control that other people I work with now call me Joe.

You would think with the name tag proudly displaying "John", he could get it right at least once. I am at the point where it is funny and I am making a label to place over it with "Joe" written on it.

He would probably start calling me Jake. At that point, we will have every other employee totally confused with who actually works there and what my name is.

Just for fun, I should use a different name each day of the week. That could be interesting. I could bet that my boss would start calling me by my real name in no time.

This brings me to my point (as I almost have one). For some reason, I can't comment on other people's Beta Blogger sites. I know this point really has no correlation to the topic, but I did want to drop it in there.

Now for the other point... Call me what you want. I personally will not be offended if you call me Joe, Jack, Jake or Ramakrishna. I may not answer you because I may think you are speaking with someone else. But if I see you are actually talking to me AND you are not on one of those stupid Bluetooth headsets, I will provide an appropriate response.

Hmm...need to write a blog entry on the Bluetooth headsets.

Did you know...

John Q. Public is a generic name in the United States to denote a hypothetical member of society deemed a "common man." Roughly equivalent, but more depreciative, are Joe Six-pack, Joe Blow, and Joe Schmoe, implying a lower-class citizen (from the Yiddish schmo: simpleton, or possibly Hebrew sh'mo: (what's)-his-name). Jane Winecooler also falls within this category.


Anonymous said…
>>Joe, Jack, Jake or Ramakrishna

How did you hit at Ramakrishna (a typical Indian name)? was it just random name picked up?

>>I can't comment on other people's Beta Blogger sites.
what was the problem? was it asking for gmail account? I see so many people claiming foul over beta blogger.
John Burkholder said…
Very simply... When I attempt to leave a comment using my blogger, other or even anonymous, it never takes it. It bounces me back to the same screen saying "try again later"

But it only happens to the Beta sites.
High Priestess said…
Use your label maker to create the name Tatonka - nobody will forget that one! Happy Holidays to you and yours, please give my best holiday wishes to the Queen and the girls. Tonight is the Train Xmas party, we'll miss ya! HP

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