Cultural Diversion

When I get a chance, I check other blogs. Not those kiddie blogs, real adults writing thoughts. One of more recent reads is iNina. She has done something that made me think..."why didn't I think of that?"

She has performed a care package swap with Sima in the United States and iNina is tickled pink. When did I miss this cultural exchange through blogging? I feel I already learn so much from other people through the blog itself, I never even considered doing any kind of trading.

As some of you know, when I travel, I tend to bring back a momento from each state that is strictly a state or regional item. Take for instance, Rhode Island. What in the world is Rhode Island (a state about the size of a small farm) known for? Maine, lobster; Maryland, blue crab; Rhode syrup. I had to actually ask a local what her relatives buy when they come home. Coffee syrup is a syrup made of coffee. I had never even heard of it until that one moment.

This brings me to my point (as I almost always have one). If any international readers want to perform a package swap, bring on the comments!

Did you know...

Egypt had the first reference to a postal system in 2000 B.C. The first pony express was in the 6th century B.C. by the Persian Empire.


Anonymous said…
I am for this game, john! What you like to have from south India- Bangalore or Tamilnadu. Do your homework or I can do the homework for you...

my personal email id is
Anonymous said…
Oh I feel honored to be mentioned in your post :D. Swapping is wonderful. Have you checked That's how I ever found out about this swapping business. It really is great. I'd be delighted to be your swapping partner. I can provide you with either something really really Swedish or something really really German, or maybe both? Let me know what you would want, or maybe you want me to suggest something? I have to do some research too, about what I would want, but maybe some of those M&Ms not with peanuts but with another kind of nut (don't remember which one), do they still exist in the US? When I lived there in 1994 I literally lived on them only :D

Let me know what you think, mail me at ininasweden (at) gmail (dot) com.

Take care and thanks for being such a loyal reader, I hope you don't mind that I link to your blog on mine?

Happy Holidays!


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