Today and Tomorrow

Today is the anniversary date for my blog. So here is a quick review of the past year.

Toilet Paper, Duct Tape, The English Language, Bathrooms, Names, Buying a Reader, Other Cultures, Lard, Losses.

This list of labels yet to be added to my Beta version of my blog is just the edge.

People often ask me what the biggest hit entry is...Queen of Denial is definitely the King. I would have to say I have had about 2500 hits on that entry alone.

The entry with the most comments (this included xanga and myspace) Meeting of Two Minds.

Most controversal entry is a toss up... on xanga it was about homosexuality and the Bible called OkieDokieThen. On Blogger, My Rare Political Statement...Illegal Immigrants.

In my year, I have met fellow bloggers, started other people in blogging and started writing a book. There have been good and bad times. Both I have learned from. I have discovered the ingenuity of people and how they make money.

This has been a great year. May the next year be as good as this one.

This brings me to my point (as I almost always have one). Blog. Blog like you never blogged before! Better blogs than this one later in the week.

One more thing, tomorrow (the shortest day in this hemisphere) I head back home for a week. YEAH!

Did you know...

Nationally (US), 64.9 million people are expected to travel over this holiday, which is the most popular holiday travel period of the year.


Anonymous said…
Happy blog anniversary and hv a great weekend

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