
Showing posts from January, 2011

System Center Service Manager or SharePoint

Lately my focus has been pulled from SharePoint to System Center and specifically System Center Service Manager (SCSM). My biggest challenge is that I am deeply entrenched in the SharePoint community and continue to give my all for the SharePoint user group (SUGDC), SharePoint Saturday, and the community as a whole. However, I have been working in System Center and SharePoint integration. As good as Systrem Center is, it really needs a community to come around it and guide the product line in the right direction. The documentation available is far less than SharePoint. So, this is the crossroads. Do I move down the path to help System Center progress in the business line or do I continue with helping SharePoint community at large?

Year 2011, the Year for Random Acts of Kindness.

This year my wife and I were talking about the new year, resolutions, and what would happen if we won the MegaMillions that we didn't win. After winning we decided to pay off certain relatives, make sure the kids were set for life (but not rich), and we would create a random acts of kindness group. Well, after finding out we didn't win, we figured it made sense to do it anyhow. So here is my resolution. I will perform a random act of kindness whenever I get the opportunity. What kinds of random acts can people do? When in the grocery store and you see someone digging through their change to buy food or diapers, just hand them $20 to help...or step in front of them in the grocery checkout and just pay it. That little bit of help will make a huge impact on their life. It takes so little to make a huge difference. How about another one...if you have one or more co-workers barely making it through to payday, have them bring in one dish as a potluck and you bring in the main cou

Dreams, Journeys, Religion, and the New Year

As a habit, I tend not to talk about sex, politics or religion. In this entry, I discuss two of the taboos involved so if you are a judgemental person, this is not the entry for you...I repeat, this blog is for me to get things out of my if I offend you, that is not my intention. Last night I had a dream...which is rare for me. True, that technically I always have dreams but it is rare that I remember them in the morning. The dream involved my first wife and the "weird" relationship we had. My wife and I met in the Air Force when she arrive on base as my subordinate and I was assigned to provide orientation. Loring AFB, ME had a male to female ratio of about 11:1. For a hormone flowing 19 year old 4 hours North of the nearest "major" city (Bangor), this was pure torture. So when a female arrives on base, the swarm of men immediately descend. Teresa Lynn Somers (real name) was a short red headed spitfire with high intelligence and eyes that were bad eno