
Showing posts from March, 2023

Divided or United We Stand

 I watch technology all the time. I see where it is going, how it can help people in their lives and in business, and how it can be used to harm humans. Right now, we have some humans fighting change as much as possible and some pushing for progress. It divides not only our country, but even the lowest levels of community. A good friend of mine lives in a very small town in central Illinois and he observes the push back to the times of Jim Crow laws, lower educational standards, and "heal thy self" mentality and struggles to understand why they dismiss science when they use that same science to get better crops in the field, drive that new pick-up truck with all of the creature comforts included, and purchase their flags to show how much they wish to support a traitorous regime from the 19th century.  It is the other side... the science-driven, cancer-solving, social structure that are pushing toward a singularity. Even with the continuous advancements to making things happen