
Showing posts from June, 2008


As a habit, I tend to steer away from matchmaking people. Fact is, the last time I tried it, they ended up getting married and moved to California. So... I have a very good friend in Virginia we will call 007. He as all of the toys 007 has. He has the computerized home 007 has. He has the vehicles with every possible gadget including missile launchers, and stealth technology that 007 has. He is considerably more geek than 007 but once you know him, he is one of the best friends a person can have. I have mentioned to him that he needs to date. He is creeping up on 40 and is still single. He is extremely non-social making it nearly impossible for contact with any other people. I don't think he is asexual, but it has been so long for him that I believe he may need to turn on the 007 homing beacon to find it. So...what are my options to help out my introverted techno-weenie friend? I could introduce him to someone, but I really don't know that many single women here.I have seriousl


As you may have noticed, my weather bar on the right hand side has changed from having two locations (Herndon, VA and Plainfield, IL) to a single location. No women, I am not available so quit asking. My Queen has been selling and packing. Packing and selling. We are leaving Illinois my three older children, and the Queen and the youngest are joining me in Virginia. This Friday will be my last flight for some time to Chicago, and Sunday will be my last drive from Chicago for quite some time. We are leaving the monstrous house with a monstrous yard and a homeowners assholciation and moving back into a much smaller townhouse in a nice community with 2 pools, fitness center, bocce ball court (whatever that is), and tennis court. We are EXTREMELY close to my office (1.3 miles) and shopping and restaurants are across the road. Mass transportation is outside the gate. The movies are 1.7 mies away. It ROCKS. The Queen has long been putting off moving back closer to her family to avoid mental