
As a habit, I tend to steer away from matchmaking people. Fact is, the last time I tried it, they ended up getting married and moved to California. So... I have a very good friend in Virginia we will call 007. He as all of the toys 007 has. He has the computerized home 007 has. He has the vehicles with every possible gadget including missile launchers, and stealth technology that 007 has. He is considerably more geek than 007 but once you know him, he is one of the best friends a person can have.

I have mentioned to him that he needs to date. He is creeping up on 40 and is still single. He is extremely non-social making it nearly impossible for contact with any other people. I don't think he is asexual, but it has been so long for him that I believe he may need to turn on the 007 homing beacon to find it.

So...what are my options to help out my introverted techno-weenie friend? I could introduce him to someone, but I really don't know that many single women here.I have seriously considered posting a Craigslist ad for him to get him going. I sometimes wonder if that stuff works. What would the ad say?

Wanted: living non-bed-ridden female that can talk as fast as my friend and can draw him out of his shell without hurting him... (hmm...not a bad start)

My friend is shy, balding, slightly larger than most men, and fiscally secure (I used fiscally to weed out the not-so-smart ones). He would never do this himself but as his friend I feel it is my obligation to make sure he can live life to the fullest and realize exactly what he is missing, good and bad. He is average height and slightly overweight. He is honest and not afraid of commitment. His view of the perfect woman has changed as he has aged and he has finally reached the point where women of nearly every ethnicity and build are an option (although he does like the shorter, athletic ones).

My friend is not opposed and actually may like making a family, but isn't keen on inheriting a family and all of the baggage associated with it. His life has been working and now he is ready to slow down, and settle down with the right woman. The right woman cannot be afraid to have a conversation and cannot take offense to his view points. The right woman can agree to disagree. The right woman must have a modicum of intelligence and preferably in some sort of business profession. (Seems my wide open ad narrowed down in a hurry).

My friend computers, gadgets, and the newest technology. He likes movies, bowling, and socializing in a bar/restaurant with friends although he rarely drinks and will leave after only an hour or so. If he had a chance to socialize more, I am sure he would do so. He will go to a sporting event if several other coworkers are going as well, but he really doesn't follow sports. He has been know to go to Vegas once or twice a year, and loves to travel if he has someone to travel with...otherwise, he will stay home.

If you are looking for someone to do things with and ease into a relationship, he is your man. If you live alone somewhere near Ashburn, VA, let him know by replying to this ad. Do NOT send pictures of your penis, it will just piss him off. Pictures of Boobs are always welcome. (Have you ever read a Craigslist ad? You have to put in that disclaimer).

This was not the only option I was considering, just the one that may get a bite and won't require his credit card to post an ad.


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