
Showing posts from 2016

Off-topic Blog Entry: Succession of Chicago Metropolitan Area

So let's do a "what-if". What if the Chicagoland area broke off from the state of Illinois? For the purpose of this discussion, we will call the new territory Chicagoland. There are a couple things that would have to be considered: 1. It can't just become a new state. 2. Funds paid into the state up to this point would be lost to the New Illinois. So what are the options? #calexit is an example of how it could be done. California succession is a topic that is trending on social media as a result of the Trump election. Part of the reason for this is one of Trumps 100 day objectives: "cancel all federal funding to Sanctuary Cities". Succession was brought up previously, but never had enough teeth. A referendum is proposed to be voted on in 2019. If California succeeds, it would become it's own country independent from the US. You may have heard the same rumblings a while ago from Texas, but it also never had teeth. But California doesn't have to

Out of Practice

It has been about 4 years since my last business trip. Tomorrow I board a plane and head to Atlanta to attend the Microsoft Ignite conference with 34,999 of my colleagues.  But what seems as common place to me in the past as a road warrior has now become foreign. I am flying again. Those practices of having boat shoes, nickel belts, and quart plastic bags are now memories. Time changes things too. Now there are new processes for TSA. So I had to go check the website to see what changed with it. How much does a bag check cost? Is my bag too big for overhead? Is my backpack too big for under the seat? Counting.... 6 days means six sets of underwear. But one is not packed because I need to wear them. Don't forget your toothbrush. Is my power toothbrush going to be a problem? Just buy the toothpaste when you get there... And the deodorant. Don't forget your swimtrunks. Wait... Does this place have a pool? Crap! Take out the swim trunks. No pool.  It all used to be so easy. Now it s

Its official... DNA match

We didn't have to wait as long as I thought to find out if I was a DNA match to my brother and sisters. My nephew found a way to compare my test with his even with them both being done through separate sources. We are a match. What it also determined is the Mexican heritage I show on my DNA is from my birth-Father. So we are now focusing in on my new cousins family. The half-brother is a prime suspect. Once she makes contact, I am hoping he will be willing to take a test. Another waiting game begins. 

Changes in Me

Now that I have found most of my birth family, I am noticing some changes in myself that are both concerning and reassuring.  Let's start with the concerning bit. I used to have a drive to always show what I can do, be the best at whatever I focus on, and constantly expand my knowledge to reduce my weaknesses. I would think up ideas on how to change the world to be a better place, write down the business plan, the process to implement, etc. I am constantly looking at the next technology leap and seeing how I can fit into it to help move it forward. Initiative was never a challenge.  Yesterday, Andi noticed I was staring out the window of the restaurant as I had done many time before and asked what I was thinking about. My response was "nothing". It was that one point in time that had not only surprised myself, but put me into a panic. When I was asked that question previously, I was thinking of a business plan, or how something outside was interacting with something else.

A Long Series Finale

Have you ever watched those TV shows where there is an underlying theme running through the smaller episodes of the show? Well, for the past 49 seasons I had a single storyline running involving my adoption. This weekend, that storyline is coming to an end. We have about 8 more weeks of episodes, but I have finally found and connected with my birth family.  After the wild goose chases of Loren Stone, Linda Ashlock and the like, I finally came across the missing pieces of the puzzle. Then after stalking a few of their open Facebook profiles, I had a very strong feeling I finally found them. All of them were on Facebook.  I sent friend requests, Instagram requests, Pinterest and even used a business web form. It was Facebook messenger for the win. My sister saw the message of "please accept the friend request, I think I am your brother". She called my brother who grabbed the laptop out of his wife's hand and sent me a message to give him a call. He combed through other page

Closer... but not There Yet

So the search continues for the birth parents and siblings. I think I narrowed down the birth family of baby boy stone born October 18, 1966 in Los Angeles county, CA. Is it a coincidence that I was born on the same day in the same county and the birth certificate did not get a name for the child (adoptions don't). Now the hard part... connecting. Sent Facebook requests and hoping one of them connects. If they connect, we will need them to get a DNA test done. If they do it on, it will automatically let us know if my birth-mother is actually connected to my first cousin's father. I wait.

23andme Continued... First Cousin

I had a bit of a shock a couple days ago from an email through For those who are aware, 23andme will do your genetic test and provide you details like ancestry, likely eye color, etc. It is when I found out I was not who I was told for my entire life ( ). That being said, another big change is happening thanks to 23andme...I have a first cousin. My genetic first cousin reached out to me on Tuesday asking me how we are connected. I gave her the entire adoption story and informed her that I have no other real data other than that. This genetic link is the first. She has started asking her parents about her uncles and aunts trying to determine how we are connected. Having quite a few on both parent's side of the family, it appears we may need to have them take some tests to narrow down which side has the relation. Let's just say, I am going crazy with anticipation. A first cousin... wow. 6.78% of our DNA is