
Showing posts from March, 2013

Decisions are Made. Welcome Home.

So in this blog entry I made comment that we were trying to figure out our next steps. The decision has been made... we are staying in Bloomington. Not only are we staying in Bloomington, I think we will be here a very long time. What brought us to this decision... I already figured out that we would stick it out one more year. I had some good propositions in the queue but none of them actually leaped out at me and said TAKE THIS JOB! We both like it here, and since we have to move Squeaky Clean Soaps to Bloomington anyway (which we found a new location downtown), it just makes sense to stay here. I will continue to spread the SharePoint cheer in Central Illinois and work with the TEKsystems. I like TEKsystems. They have treated me very well. Therefore, all future plans I had with DevElements I will now push over to TEKsystems. As far as the house... it looks like we are going to work with the landlord to have the house updated. It definitely needs it. The best part about this

Business Social in SharePoint 2013: Increased Production or Waste of Time?

Microsoft has added some wonderful Yammer social features into SharePoint. This is much like taking the communications and social development of Facebook and Twitter and slamming it into the business tools of SharePoint. A lot of arguments are surfacing on both sides of the collaboration space and I wanted to stretch my narcissistic legs and provide my own point of view on this. I am in the middle. The social features are fantastic as a new line of communication and knowledge sharing. It is powerful for receiving different points of view on questions, issues or feedback. For those who use Facebook and/or Twitter, it is very familiar and it does not require an associates degree in computers to figure out. A prime example of how social media can help solve business problems is in a Ted talk by Don Tapscott where he talks about how a company owner sourced socially a solution to his business problem.   I understand how business social can resolve problems in business. I also rea