
Showing posts from March, 2007


I am heading to the airport once again today. Unfortunately, I have to transfer in Pittsburg this run since a straight flight was going to cost me considerably more. As I understand it, the airports are already having delays, so this should be an interesting day of people on cell phones. Cell phones. I have three on me at this time. I have my personal cell on the smaller, I-could really-care-less-about-you phone carrier. I have my business PDA with cell phone service from the monster-conglomerate carrier. I have the the on-call Blackberry phone on the carrier that continually asked if I can hear them. What I hate most is the people who have bad receiption. These are the people who for some reason feel that if you begin loosing receiption, you have to talk louder into the phone. As if the increased volume somehow increases the frequency bandwidth of the cell phone and it's carrier. This brings me to my point (as I almost always have one). At what point did someone figure that yelli

I'd Like a Small Town for $1 Million Bob

So, I have been sorting out ideas of how to make a load of money without a lot of work and of the brain cells decided to jump in and help other people. I would love it if the people in my head would keep to themselves. Anyway, I came up with an idea for a small town that is running a deficit. Instead of having an election for a mayor the next round, they sell it to the highest bidder. It is really no different than actually running for Mayor. The person with the most money wins. So, we are just making it so the city actually benefits instead of having signs plastered all over the roads and people shoving fliers in your face. How much devotion is a mayor going to have when they just spent $1 million of their own money to win? Well, about $1 million of their own money's worth. I know I would want to make it go as far as possible. Why would anyone buy a mayor's seat? Often mayors are bought anyhow, so this cuts down on the collateral damage of the race. The "candidate"

Avery turns 4

I managed to get all of the system to take the time change change. For my overseas readers, The United States in it's infinite wisdom moved the time change to today, March 11. It was originally scheduled for three weeks from now, but at the last moment, they moved it to today. I have written an entire blog entry about the time change . If figure this little move of the move hascost the United States, and other countries at least $100 million if you take into account the developers, testers and implementers of software...never mind the users. I have said it before, I say it again... Get rid of the time change! Eliminate time zones! It just doesn't make sense! With the development of new aircraft, we will be taking off from New York at 8:00AM and landing at 6:00AM in Los Angeles. Time is far too complicated for some people and there is no real reason we can't all use the same clock. To add to this rant, now my daughter's birthday is an hour short. Avery turns four today.

Don't Leave Out the "S"

While surfing to find a new customer service person, I decided to hit since people are often posting their availability. Craigslist is a website where you can post everything from a job to a car to a pallet of duct tape. It is free which makes it even more appealing than Ebay. The problem is, I left off the "s" in the middle. I don't really have a problem with free enterprise. I have a problem when free enterprise takes me to a place I just don't need to go while I am at work. Craigslist is not the first. In the days when Bill Clinton made a necktie for Monica Lewinski, the White House also had a one-off problem. One-off is a term used for grabbing a common domain and buying the domain that may have a spelling error or a common domain root. The White House website is . In the days of "defining sex" in the White House, was a porno site. So all of the schoolkids managed to get a free show for going to the w