Avery turns 4

I managed to get all of the system to take the time change change. For my overseas readers, The United States in it's infinite wisdom moved the time change to today, March 11. It was originally scheduled for three weeks from now, but at the last moment, they moved it to today. I have written an entire blog entry about the time change. If figure this little move of the move hascost the United States, and other countries at least $100 million if you take into account the developers, testers and implementers of software...never mind the users.

I have said it before, I say it again... Get rid of the time change! Eliminate time zones! It just doesn't make sense! With the development of new aircraft, we will be taking off from New York at 8:00AM and landing at 6:00AM in Los Angeles. Time is far too complicated for some people and there is no real reason we can't all use the same clock.

To add to this rant, now my daughter's birthday is an hour short. Avery turns four today. She will have the 23 hour birthday, totally opposite from the 25 hour birthday I have had in the past.

This brings me to my point already (because I am in a hurry today). Happy Birthday Avery! I love you!

Did you know...

The name Avery means Leader of the Elves.


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