
Showing posts from January, 2015

Welcome to 2015

I changed jobs and moved last month. I love the new place. The job is a challenge. For that reason, I like it. What I am not so sure about is where they are going with the SharePoint evironment. It seriously needs an upgrade but they are not too keen on throwing away all of the development work this far. I can understand that. But when you are sitting there looking at a monster site collection that only 20 people regularly use, you have to wonder how effective it is. Add to that the fact people are still using the older environments, it doesn't make sense to move them to the 2010 environment when we could move them directly to the new environment.  The commute is rather easy from the new place. Taking about 40 minutes in total, it is a 5 block walk to the station, a 12 minute train ride and another 4 block walk to this office. Most of my time is really spent waiting on the train.  I am trying to figure out my schedule so I can do some volunteer work. Heartland Alliance is a good ca