
Showing posts from February, 2010

Day 1 - Clarifying my Job

Today, my mission is to clarify what my objectives over the next year are here at work. I always try to do the best job I can possibly do, but lately my confidence has been shaken. Since I want to help the company move forward, I need to better define my responsibilities and help promote the business itself. This means that more meetings (which I hate because they often lead to little being accomplished) with key stakeholders so they understand where we are heading and when we will get there...This is another line in the sand. I also realize that I need to drop the inferred facial features (I tend to read people all the time) and background noise, and concentrate on the target. Therefore, today and tomorrow will be spent locking down the plan. I will review the plan with stakeholders and receive input from them. But...this is my day job. I cannot let my day job rule my nights and weekends any longer. I realize that I am in a field that demands on me to work 24x7, but for me to keep

New Passion...New Plan...New Life

Over the past few months, I have lost the passion I desperately need to survive this world. I lost where I was going and who I am. My Queen reminded me of something she read in a the Spark, a book written by the creator of SparkPeople. Place a line in the sand and move toward the line. This is much like the business off-site discussions we have for my current company, but it doesn't take it to a personal level. So here I sit, poised to deliver to the world my knowledge and draw my line in the sand. New Passion... I have had this invention running around in my head for the past few months which will revolutionize the entire world's ability to provide green energy. It is very simple and will change the face of the Earth. There are some protective things I need to accomplish before the invention is revealed, but I now have a plan as to how to accomplish that. My biggest challenge is going to be money, but once the patent is locked in internationally, that is when I will push t