
Showing posts from August, 2016

Its official... DNA match

We didn't have to wait as long as I thought to find out if I was a DNA match to my brother and sisters. My nephew found a way to compare my test with his even with them both being done through separate sources. We are a match. What it also determined is the Mexican heritage I show on my DNA is from my birth-Father. So we are now focusing in on my new cousins family. The half-brother is a prime suspect. Once she makes contact, I am hoping he will be willing to take a test. Another waiting game begins. 

Changes in Me

Now that I have found most of my birth family, I am noticing some changes in myself that are both concerning and reassuring.  Let's start with the concerning bit. I used to have a drive to always show what I can do, be the best at whatever I focus on, and constantly expand my knowledge to reduce my weaknesses. I would think up ideas on how to change the world to be a better place, write down the business plan, the process to implement, etc. I am constantly looking at the next technology leap and seeing how I can fit into it to help move it forward. Initiative was never a challenge.  Yesterday, Andi noticed I was staring out the window of the restaurant as I had done many time before and asked what I was thinking about. My response was "nothing". It was that one point in time that had not only surprised myself, but put me into a panic. When I was asked that question previously, I was thinking of a business plan, or how something outside was interacting with something else.

A Long Series Finale

Have you ever watched those TV shows where there is an underlying theme running through the smaller episodes of the show? Well, for the past 49 seasons I had a single storyline running involving my adoption. This weekend, that storyline is coming to an end. We have about 8 more weeks of episodes, but I have finally found and connected with my birth family.  After the wild goose chases of Loren Stone, Linda Ashlock and the like, I finally came across the missing pieces of the puzzle. Then after stalking a few of their open Facebook profiles, I had a very strong feeling I finally found them. All of them were on Facebook.  I sent friend requests, Instagram requests, Pinterest and even used a business web form. It was Facebook messenger for the win. My sister saw the message of "please accept the friend request, I think I am your brother". She called my brother who grabbed the laptop out of his wife's hand and sent me a message to give him a call. He combed through other page

Closer... but not There Yet

So the search continues for the birth parents and siblings. I think I narrowed down the birth family of baby boy stone born October 18, 1966 in Los Angeles county, CA. Is it a coincidence that I was born on the same day in the same county and the birth certificate did not get a name for the child (adoptions don't). Now the hard part... connecting. Sent Facebook requests and hoping one of them connects. If they connect, we will need them to get a DNA test done. If they do it on, it will automatically let us know if my birth-mother is actually connected to my first cousin's father. I wait.