
Showing posts from September, 2013

Letter to Microsoft

Dear Microsoft, Your recent purchase of Nokia has me wondering. What are you doing? Hardware is not your forte'. Phone is also a challenge for you...and yet, here you are buying a phone company already having challenges. I understand you may be approaching the phone market much like Apple does where they own the hardware and software on the phone. The problem is, you are already missing out on market share. Blackberry even has more market share than you do and they are for sale and bankrupt. source Nonetheless Microsoft, you really should make your people focus on what you all do best. Software. If you want the chunk of the mobile market, make software for the mobile platforms instead of trying to compete against them. Market your application interoperability with Apple, Android, etc. Don't get stuck in the cloud. Although the cloud has been marketed as more and more secure, it is still not as secure as on-premise. Many companies, governments, and educational institutio