
Showing posts from July, 2016

23andme Continued... First Cousin

I had a bit of a shock a couple days ago from an email through For those who are aware, 23andme will do your genetic test and provide you details like ancestry, likely eye color, etc. It is when I found out I was not who I was told for my entire life ( ). That being said, another big change is happening thanks to 23andme...I have a first cousin. My genetic first cousin reached out to me on Tuesday asking me how we are connected. I gave her the entire adoption story and informed her that I have no other real data other than that. This genetic link is the first. She has started asking her parents about her uncles and aunts trying to determine how we are connected. Having quite a few on both parent's side of the family, it appears we may need to have them take some tests to narrow down which side has the relation. Let's just say, I am going crazy with anticipation. A first cousin... wow. 6.78% of our DNA is