Shopping Hungry

The Queen sends me to the store to pick up little items like hamburger buns, milk or organic macaroni and cheese dinners. The problem with me going to the grocer is I am often hungry.

Have you ever noticed that you tend to buy things you absolutely would not buy under filled stomach circumstances? Well, I do. I am normally a very practical shopper. When faced with the family sized bag of Oreo cookies, I often wonder what the marketers of these products were thinking...

Evil marketing genius: Let's put the Oreo Cookies in the largest container we can find and place it on the end of the isle with a great big "on sale" sign. At night, we will have the store dim down the lights and place the spot lights on our product as some sort of beacon to call the munching masses.

Don't get me wrong. I love an Oreo cookie just as much full as I do hungry. The problem is, I really don't NEED the evil artery clogging cookie of doom that I would gladly walk the 3 miles to the grocer to purchase.

But Oreo cookies are not the only item that brings me to tears and tears at my heartstrings. The last item I purchased was Product 19. For any readers that thought I just spoke in a foreign language, that is a type of cereal. It is a fairly plain flake cereal flavored slightly with malt and packed full of vitamins. I grew up on that and Rice Chex (which I still love).

I have been searching for Product 19 for the past year. Two days ago, I found it in the grocery store I have been shopping in since I moved here. Tomorrow morning, I will sit down with the gallon of milk and my two boxes of Product 19 and begin the feast.

This brings me to my point (as I almost have one). What does it hurt to fall off the dietary wagon once in a while? Sometimes you just need to eat the entire bag of Oreo cookies. Yes, yes, it is true the your system will purge it the following day through massive flushing, but think of how much the one craving will be sedated for another year.

Associate it in this way...When you drink an alcoholic beverage once in a while, you can easily drink again the next week or day. However, if you drink so much that you can't remember writing a blog entry, you stop drinking for at least a week or in the case of some people I know...forever. So, when you down the family sized bag of Oreos and have the trots for the following day or two, you will probably not want to see another one for about a year.

Hmm...I wonder what munchies are downstairs...

Did you know...

If every Oreo cookie ever made were stacked on top of each other (more than 345 billion...), the pile would reach to the moon and back more than five times. Then again, if placed side-by-side, they would encircle the earth 381 times at the equator.


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