The Simpler Life

I haven't posted in quite a while. There are a couple reasons for this but the primary reason is that I do not have a computer or Internet connection where I am staying right now. So, this posting is taking place at work after hours.

I have basically severed off all of my technology requirements to include all but my primary email and all but my primary (this) blog. My instant messengers have disappeared as have other technological tag-a-longs. What have I been doing? Thinking. Just thinking.

I am not saying I don't want to talk to everyone I left behind in Illinois, I just need to figure out a few things. I talk with the Queen and the kids daily so I am not completely cut off. I just do that from either my work cell phone or the home phone.

This brings me to my point (as I almost always have one). Why do we really need 4 different email accounts, 3 instant messenger IDs, 3 blog sites, 2 personal websites and 2 cell phones? Is everything so necessary that we need to be tied in multiple ways? What happened before the cell phone, the Internet, the PDA? Do you think people were more social in those days?

In my home town, people would gather at the gas station or the local restaurant joint and talk about things. They would coordinate parties and community events. Now, most everyone use the Internet or the airwaves to communicate thereby making manners and community extinct (especially here in the Washington DC area...more to come on that).

The train ride back in Chicago was my social club. I miss it.

Did you know...

Glass is a liquid.


Nirek said…
Hi john

good to see u back in blogworld after a while. This is satheesh, I created a new identity for me for blog, thats nirek. my blog url is also changed.

are you also software professional?

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