Practicing What We Preach

My company is considering changing our company structure to practice what we preach. We have downsized enough and consolidated applications enough to be able to actually use virtual office.

This excites me in multiple ways. First, I can officially work from home full time. Second, it is very good for the environment and for our company financially. No office space means that there isn't a lease cost, utilities, infrastructure costs, or commute costs thus saving money on a personal level.

It also means that when we go to hire more people for support, marketing, etc., they can be anywhere in the world. This again saves the company money because a security engineer in Rapid City, SD costs much less than one in Washington, DC.

IceWEB creates and markets hosted Microsoft Exchange and Sharepoint for companies to reduce their internal costs and not have the headaches of maintaining and monitoring servers that they don't have the expertise to manage. Additionally, the company (big or small) can be located in a single location or all over the world and will still be able to connect.

"Yes, but I can do that with my current Exchange and file servers" you say.

You are right. You can. Here is how much it will cost you for 12 mailboxes and 4 of those people have Blackberry devices:

Exchange Server hardware and software (first year): $9,040
Blackberry Enterprise software and support: $10,380
Backup Server and software: $3,000
The IT guy to set it up and manage it part time: $20,000

Total: $42,420 for the first year, $23,660 for each year following until you have to upgrade.

Using IceWEB:

12 Exchange mailboxes with 4 Blackberry connections: $1,810.44 for the first year, and every year after.

Yeah, you don't work for a small company, you have 5000 employees and only 150 have Blackberry devices. Ok the quick numbers are:

In-house Exchange will cost $1,191,347.00 the first year and $746,987 each year until you upgrade.

IceWEB will cost: $581,814 per year every year.

Sales pitch over...back to me.

In this common sense approach, the company decided that since most of our clients are working virtually, we should as well. The home office and telecommuting are becoming the norm in this age of inflating energy costs and global warming. Granted, I will still have to come to Virginia every so often to install servers or something, but most of my time would be spent at home. How cool is THAT?

The Queen said I would drive her n-n-n-nuts. She plans to stick me in a closet to do my work. That is fine. It would be the shortest commute ever.

This brings me to my point (as I almost always have one). Tell your finance officer or IT guy to buy IceMAIL! It will keep me working.


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