Getting the Finger

For years I have been getting the finger. This is often a case of someone extremely pleased with my driving and passive aggressive demeanor toward the intellectually challenged. It may be a case of the very helpful teenage youth talking on her cell phone to her VERY best friend behind the counter of the restaurant I just happen to be standing in, waiting for her to look at me to take my order, and me talking at a rather high volume to make sure she can hear me over her other conversation. That is when I am told that I am number 1 in her heart.

I lick the side of my cup very slowly and slowly suck on the straw in response.

I feel so loved.

Now, my wife is insistent that I go get the finger from someone else. This time there will not be any witty repartee, no exchange of glances, no passive aggressive glances. This time, I will have to hum to myself to calm myself from the impending and unwanted finger of a grown man with a latex glove standing behind me.

I realize that now that I have passed the 40 mark that this is a preventative measure that could very well save my life. But there really isn't ANY fun in the thought of having my exit only turned into a two way street. I suppose I could go ahead and have the camera snake thingy run up there, but since the idea of the one finger doesn't appeal to me, I am SURE the 6 foot camera will not make me thrilled.

This is important. I get that. This is something that EVERY MAN should do. It doesn't mean I have to like it.


Anonymous said…
how about a nice bottle of wine and some lube? That might loosen things up a bit (snigger snigger snigger)
Mickey said…
My dad was driving around one of the worst rotaries in America, and someone didn't appreciate his navigating of this rotary, and flipped him off. Instead of returning the 1 finger salute, my dad improvised, and likely confused the other driver when he stuck his tongue out and blew a raspberry to the driver. How would you react to a 65 year old man blowing his tongue out at you while driving?

He's also a man who revels in telling everybody about the day before his annual exit only inspection. When anyone calls him on the day before the exam, he excitedly announces that he's been drinking some god awful drink and he's been visiting the toilet more than a plumber on their worst day.

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