Our House... is a Very Full House

Even though the song read "Our house is a very, very, very fine house", our house is rapidly shrinking. If you have read any previous blog entries, you may know that my 20 year old daughter joined us here in Virginia after being away from us for 3 weeks.

Since then, we have been joined by the 18 year old waiting to enter the Navy. Our last house was 2600 square feet not counting the full basement. We now live in 1400 square feet total. When we moved here, we figured this was more than enough room for me, the Queen and the 5 year old. We even have swing space for a child to come visit.

Soon, the last of the "out of the house" children will be arriving here to stay with us until she and her boyfriend move into their own place. In the meantime, we are going to move into a slightly larger but better carved up townhouse in the community. It has a garage included. Soon after moving, the eldest will be moving out on her own again. The 18 year old is here until March. Needless to say, there will be a constant stream of adult children ebbing and flowing in the house.

But the 5 year old is the catalyst of this entry. Why and HOW is it the 5 year old can have the verbal acumen of some 20 somethings I know? Why is it she wants to have long winded conversations about everything from astrophysics to how the lint gets in her belly button? It is not really the fact that these conversations take place, but the fact they have to take place while I am in the middle of another conversation...

Is it illegal to duct tape a child? to a chair? Because is it not only the talking but the dancing. She will break out in some sort of kung fu ballet right in the middle of the library saying "look at me dance Daddy!"

Where do they get the energy? I am going to guess sleep. Since having very little myself lately, I find that the bags below my eyes have become more like a suitcase...and my general conversations become more like a rambling. You can probably tell. I personally think it is my defense to my daughter's long winded rambling. I need sleep.


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