SourceFed - The Meaning of Life

I watch SourceFed. The team of people running this service are hilarious and at times have made me cry. A strong man like me cried? OK...I teared up...and ran out for a banana split. But you would have to play the video to understand.

Today blog entry is not about Ryan though. It is about SourceFed's conclusion of the meaning of life.

Yes, I am fully aware that this video is just a extreme speaking, comical launching point for discussion, but it did make me realize how many people followed the same belief system as Joe and Elliot have derived.

So, let's expound upon this. Of course a belief system with a punishment is going to have less crime. But the road to life is not built on the golden rule. If that is that were true, then why would we need to have life lessons to learn it? Instead,I think the meaning of life is built on the platinum rule.

The golden rule in a nutshell is "treat others as you wish to be treated." And this is found in all kinds of religions to include:
  • Bahá'í Faith
  • Buddhism
  • Christianity
  • Confucianism
  • Hinduism
  • Humanism
  • Islam
  • Jainism
  • Judaism
  • Mohism
  • Platonism
  • Quakerism
  • Scientology
  • Sikhism
  • Taoism
  • The Way to Happiness
  • Wicca
  • and just plain Ethically

But this is a flawed view. Treating others with a different set of beliefs, ethics, and priorities will not accomplish the true meaning of life. This will only make the person providing the treatment feel better to themselves and not necessarily to the other person.

The beliefs of how people should be treated within a religion can be at odds with how people should be treated in a different religion. Wars have and continue to happen from these beliefs and kill millions of people. Is that the meaning of life? Is that how the golden rule should be used? Should we chop off someones hand for stealing an item as the Islamic extreme do? That would be us living by their golden rule.

No. The golden rule is not meant for all creatures placed on this Earth. The platinum rule is. Instead of treating others as you wish to be treated, how about we treat others as they wish to be treated. This should be the case no matter where you are or what you are doing. Your major issue is going to be finding out how the other person wants to be treated. Not one person is the same as another. You cannot use a template to measure a person's beliefs, ethics, priorities inlife and history. So by using a template of yourself, you are immediately in error. It is not like you treat you friends all the same as you treat yourself.

So how do we implement the platinum rule? Communication would be a good start. Ask the other person about themselves. Learn and understand their history. Meet their needs. But most of all, treat them as they want to be treated.

SourceFed...thank you for stirring up my brain yet again. -N8ivWarrior


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