Spam at Work

Every day i am hit by more and more spam emails at work. Many are from actual technology firms that just want to get into the door.

I get it. You want new clients. But do you think that by adding to my mountain of emails your one company or event, that you will just be there, reconsider. It is my junk mail. I will click that unsubscribe button fast. If you don't have an unsubscribe, you are added to the black hole I call the junk mail filter.

Recently though, I received an email from a vendor in Dulles, VA that added a little something to their email that made me laugh. First was a link to their privacy policy. It basically says they "Collecting very specific, relevant data is a necessary part of us being able to provide you with the products and services you purchase from us. It also enables us to answer your inquiries and provide you with the information you request." This interestingly enough has nothing to do with me because I am not a customer...nor will I ever be a customer.

The second part of the email is the part that made me laugh. "This email message is confidential unless otherwise stated and for use by the addressee only. If the message is received by anyone other than the addressee, please return the message to the sender by replying to it and then delete from your device." Let's see... I did not agree to these terms so, no. Maybe that is what needs to happen. Maybe, I need to take each one of these "confidential" email messages and post them on the internet for all to see. You send me an unsolicited email, you can't expect me to send it back. If I receive junk mail in my snail mail box at home, I am not sending that back either.

Now let's discuss the "reply" system. Why would I interact with you when I didn't want your email in the first place? The unsubscribe link I get. You just click and disappear. The "reply" is just a way to confirm your email address works.

I really need to consider posting these "confidential" emails.


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