What a Weekend!

This weekend Avery and I went to WizardWorld Comic Con in Louisville. This was the birthday party she had to give up in order to have this experience. She met the 11th Doctor Who and his companion Amy Pond. I met them as well, and may have been just as excited. 

I have to say, WizardWorld is able to do that one thing that most places are completely missing. Provide a personal experience. Yes, you pay for it. But it is first come, first serve and honestly, I am good. We were pushed through with the hundreds of others, but we met them.

Now this isn't my first time meeting people at WizardWorld, previously Avery and I met Stan Lee and had the opportunity to sit there and ask questions to him in a small intimate group of about 40 people for 45 minutes. This was Avery's present last year... And mine as well. 

But it isn't just WizardWorld that gets all of the credit this year. The Michael J Fox foundation brought in my personal dream opportunity. 

Yep! That is me and Avery getting ready to go 88 MPH! This was simply fantastic. This wasn't on my bucket list because I figured the odds of me actually being able to sit in the Delorean was between slim and none. Well, I guess I was wrong.  Thank you Michael J Fox foundation for making that dream happen. Thank you WizardWorld for providing a most excellent event complete this the Matt Smith and Karen Gillan. Lastly, thank you very much to Matt Smith and Karen Gillan! I cannot express to you how very grateful I am for spending the 10 seconds we had with you to have our picture taken. Just that little bit has made a memory that will last for the rest of her life. You have made an positive impact. 

In other weekend news, we almost went to the Mega Zip lines in Louisville. They were sold out. Adding that to the bucket list because it looks fantastic! We toured the Louisville Slugger Museum and Factory. That was fairly awesome. They still make the bats right downtown. 

We ended the weekend in Indianapolis where we went to the Circle Centre in downtown Indianapolis. Great mall! It has a putt putt neon glad course on the 4th floor along with a movie theater, and a college. OK... There was a college in the mall. I want to own a college in a mall. Anyway, the mall is huge and appears to be attached to every other cool building and hotel in downtown Indianapolis. Oh, and a over-the-road art-center-natural-dining-type-area. I love Indianapolis. There would be very little to think about to make the decision to move there. 

Lastly, we went to the Indianapolis Zoo. Nice zoo. It has some construction going on, but the areas that are open are well maintained and clean. Bonus for the discount because we had a Brookfield Zoo membership. Best part of the zoo? Avery said dolphins. I like the walruses, but the dolphins were cool as well. If you go, your kid needs to be a Junior Trainer. It is epic! 

This weekend renewed me mentally. I am ready to focus, knock out some tests, and kick into gear some projects. 


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