Windows Vista

Nirek requested information about my experience with Windows Vista.

I have been running Vista for about a month now. There is a commercial that raps it up pretty well.

I have been working with bleeding edge technology for years. I worked as Beta tester for Windows 95 in 1993. I worked with Citrix Metaframe when it was still on AS-400 boxes. Fact is, my first actual PC was a Commodore 64 with the cassette tape storage option. The first hard drive I had the pleasure of working on was a 20MB platter drive that required 2 people to move it only after parking the drive.

This may sound a bit like a dinosaur talking about the good ole days, but I have to say, things were actually easier. We didn't have any features, so of course it was easier. Everything was text. You actually had to type. The "mouse" was the squeek of the 5 1/4" floppy disk.

There were were non-existent. People often walked away from their computers and walked directly into walls because the screens were not very condusive to keeping your eyesight. Music was often a bunch of high pitched squeels and burps. Wireless meant that it was unplugged.

What do I think about Windows Vista? I think we may have gone too far to make things better. I can't find a thing in the new interface. To add to that, simple things like "ipconfig /renew" that used to be able to be run from the command line, can't. The security settings won't allow for it anymore without going into advance physics and superstrings. The commercial is dead on.

My answer to Nirek's question is: RUN! Run for your life! a Mac.

This brings me to my point (as I almost always hove one). With the amount of horsepower included in my state-of-the-art PC, and the advanced theories used to create my operating system and office suite (Office Enterprise 2007), someone needs to explain to me why my old Commodore 64, with 64K of total storage pulled up calculator faster.

I realize that I was ONLY allowed to use calculator with my Commodore. But honestly, I can only see one screen with my two eyes. Do I really need the other 42 programs that are running on my laptop right now to be running? I am only using the calculator.

Did you know...

Bill Gates is quoted as saying "To create a new standard, it takes something that's not just a little bit different; it takes something that's really new and really captures people's imagination — and the Macintosh, of all the machines I've ever seen, is the only one that meets that standard."


Nirek said…
Hola John!

Its a real spoiler review for Vista ;) Just kidding. never mind

Vista had lot of hypes/expectations around it for quite a while. Unhappy to hear that it made life more complex than earlier windows!

I haven't see vista machine, will try it sometime later to understand whether it is frenly or not

and those are hilarious Youtube videos! Hurray!

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