How cool is this?

As I was browsing through Blogspot (which I am really enjoying the content), I discovered Dog of Electric Faith. So, I have to go round up all of my CDs to send to this company so I can get my FREE iPOD. That's right! Free! I have been trying to figure out a way to buy one of those. But if trading is an option, I am ALL IN!

I know, I have a lot of posts today, but it is like a adult in an electronics store...I mean a kid in a candy store.


Unknown said…
hey, thanks for the link. i have been wondering who was visiting from plainfield.

Matt Pope said…
It's Matt from Dog the Electric Faith. Yep, the iPod trade is for real, but you do have to make sure your CD's satisfy their quality criteria. It's on their website. Cheers for the link.
Meg said…
Check it out N8! I figured out where my missing blog was!!! /grin/

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