Viewer's Choice Take 1

On January 24, DoWhaChaDo89 retired from his blog (tear) and willed me his Viewer’s Choice. This is terrifying new experience for me and I am a little bit afraid of what awaits me as I have been warned. So here are the rules that have been copied from DoWhaChaDo89’s previous blog.

Here is how the game is played. It is a lot like the 5 questions thing but faster and more fun. You ask a question in the comments I update this post with the answer. (I add the last one answered to the top so you don't have to scroll through each update.) I take any liberty in answering the questions the way I want to but I have to answer every question.

So you can throw silly or deep questions at me. So let's see what you all can come up with!

[One more request... if you like the game but don't have any questions then give me a bump in the comments for some props!]

So, I do not want to change the rules a whole lot but I am going to make just one. I am removing the last line. If you want to read what it said, highlight it. You don’t have to comment just to give me props. OK, bring on the questions.

LittleMissCantBeWrongEver pipes in with "Yer giving me a headache! Are you smoking crack? LOL..."
Are you selling?

shellyodessa chimes in "what animal do you feel connected to, if any, and why?"
I am VERY connected to the human. We are very close.

dasandwooman replies back with "LMAO! I LOVE your answer to my question! hahahaha.. I am a fast little pig... not sure you could catch me to duct tap me up!"
You are probably right. I am too old to chase a pig around. I would just lay the duct tape all over the floor face up.

WatchingStuff adds "Do you have a picture of George Jetson on your desk, or maybe duct taped to the wall?"
LOL...Do you work with me? How do you all know this stuff? Have you been talking to the Queen?

peachjolyranchr graces us with her presence and states "I'm just giving you random props because it's five in the morning, and I'm at work, and it's far too early to think!"
So, you are NOT thinking at work. What do you do?

peppyannie busts in with "Will you remember me when you are rich and famous?"
In a way I am already rich. I have family and friends (Xanga or otherwise) that I truly enjoy being around. I have my health. I have my shelter.
I will never be famous.

QueenCrab doesn't really ask a question but has me ponder "The weirdest thing I ever ate was called a thousand-year-old egg, which it really isn't. The Late Great made me try it the same night he told his aunt that we eat pussy (cat) in this country. An egg is wrapped in a thick layer of mud, put in the ground and "cooks" for a few months. They use duck eggs and the result is a black egg. Yuk!"
I am not sure which disturbs me more...the months old egg or the cat. You would have to hit me in the head with large bolders before I would do that. Does cat tastes like chicken? I heard it takes like chicken. Does it?

runningslow pitches a fast one to me "How in the world did you snag my amazing and beautiful cousin and make her fall in love with you? (Not that you aren't a catch yourself.)"
I drugged her and I am magnificent in bed.

Emme402 questions me "With all the new subscribers, how are you dealing with your sudden rise to fame?"
I have a very fat head. It will all fit. Actually, I don't necessarily believe that I have any more subscribers than anyone else.

WomanInProgress challenges me with "If it weren't the year of Pam or the year of the dog, what year would it be? (2006 is not a funny answer)"
Well Pam, If it weren't the year of Pam, It would have to be the year of Duct Tape or the year of the Pig for all of those piggy friends out there. I like the year of Extraterrestrial Sciences though or YES!

fratmom is great isn't she? got me when you played around with Uranus:)
That is just not right turning that around on me like that fratmom.

TheTheologiansCafe (ACK! Now I am under the gun) graces me with his presence and asks "What was the one question you were afraid someone would ask? And then if you could answer that question
That one. I just did... YEAH! I answered it!

mimilorraine chimes in with "Thank you for your kind comment....I always enjoy reading you.
Awww...I enjoy readin you as well.

ilostmymindb4iwasborn boggles me with "being my recent question about clearwater & the fact that i haven't been readin u very long, what do u do for a living?
Well, I make money as an IT Operations Manager for a large healthcare company...can't say much more than that.

pulling_my_hair_out brushes up with "You seriously crack me up with your answers! mmm...I'm thinking here...ok, got one! Have you ever been abducted by aliens"
I am thinking it would be very painful to be cracked up or otherwise. No, but I have abducted them.

x_tragicbeauty_x adds to the travesty "Ok, aside from the Queen and your kids, duct tape, and the basic essentials of life like food, water, and shelter, what is one material thing that you would be devastated if you had to live your life without?"
Hmm..I give up..what? (I took that page from DoWhaChaDo89's book)
I guess it would be my Adoption information. Keep in mind that the adoption information written by my aMom at the time of my adoption is a very recent addition to my life. This paperwork explains how I came to be and why my aMom adopted me. It is the core of my existence and someday, I may follow through on the need to find my bParents. I could write an entire blog on this so I am going to stop.

PrincessofQuiteaLotofKids adds to the madness with "So I know you fly sometimes for work. How do you do with that? Are you a nervous flyer or at ease with being in a massive flying death tube?"
First of all, Welcome Princess! Congrats on you first series of comments. The Queen and the Princess are RL friends. Most of the time the flying is fairly easy as I tend to be full of hot air. Oh, you mean in an airplane...well, the flying part does not bother me nearly as much as the passengers on the flight. I deleted that post. I actually like to fly most of the time. I have a way for getting the best seat. Once you fly a considerable amount, the flights are just a movie and a soda (Coke (Even Root Beer is called a Coke) if you are in Northern Midwest, Pop if you are from the South).

momofjenmatt brings the partay with "If Queen and the kids all protested duct tape and would only allow scotch tape in the house, what would you do?"
Oh..though one. The sticking power of scotch tape does not make it useful when it comes to taping children to chairs. I guess I would have to invite them all outside. bua ha ha ha ha ha. I love loopholes.

macastat snaps in with "Weirdest food i ever ate was Balut, a SE Asian delicacy of boiled duck egg... with a duck embryo treat, waiting complete."
OH MAN! My stomach is turning just thinking about that.

Camping_Diva throws down a tent with "what movie are your favorite and why?"
I have many different movie moods. So, I will list one from each genre.

Action/Adventure/Fantasy: Lord of the Rings Trilogy...Incredible camera work and special effects.
Animation/Family: Shrek and Finding Nemo (just keep swimmin, swimmin, swimmin)
Biographical/War: Schindler's List
Comedy: This is really tough for me. Mr Smith goes to Washington is classic intelligent comedy. Monty Python and the Holy Grail is classic slapstick comedy. The Princess Bride is a nice blend of the two. But Office Space is my number one right now.
Crime: The Silence of the Lambs
Drama: The Shawshank Redemption
Horror: Toss up here... Psycho is classic horror, Amityville (the original) was bad, but Misery just freaks me out.
Independent: I actually watch a lot of independent...Silence of the Lambs is considered independent, but Amelie is one of the best I have ever seen. Other good ones include The Lover and Mr. Holland's Opus.
Music: O Brother Where art Thou?
Musical: Grease and Footloose. Chicago and Singing in the Rain are good as well, but the other two are classics.
Mystery: Mulholland Dr. followed closely by Rear Window.
Romance: The Princess Bride...Inconceivable!Sci-Fi: Twelve Monkeys
Sport: Remember the Titans
Western: A Man called Horse

A note from chickabomb reads "RYC: Thanks for your note and the astounding show of support :):)"
She quit smoking. Quit looking at me that way. Oh, and no, I am NOT an athletic supporter.

A more sensible question from Kandig is "How do you cope with stress, confusion and the fact you just need a nap, duct tape excluded"
How did you know I need a nap? I blog. I have a seriously high stress job and I find it terribly relaxing to blog. Talking to my wife and sometimes the kids, bowling, taking spontaneous car rides, and having sex is all relaxing. As far as the confusion, I don't think I understand the question.

Dasandwooman causes a severe blow with "All the duct tape in the world has disappeared, no where to be found. Do you chose another tape to love, like electrial tape, scotch tape etc. or do you die of a broken heart"
BLASPHEMY! Impossible! All the duct tape in the world disappear?! I am sitting here bawling just thinking of the idea! A replacement? There is no such thing! The fiber mesh with the super strong adhesive and plastic backing. There is no other tape like it. Just for that, I can see a pig with pink heart glasses in the future...being duct taped up.

My wife joins my whipping with "I feel so special what with everyone sending me on vacations and knocking me up with triplets. Thanks so much and HI HONEY! My question is this: Since I dream of Matthew McConaughy and I know you dream cause you make funny noises in your sleep from the top end of your body, who and what do you dream about? Besides me of course"
You are special honey. Hi. The funny noises are gas. I already told you that I dream of flying purple spotted elephants and weasels floating to Uranus. I am really beginning to like this game.

Lissersmom generously donates this "You have just won a all expense, paid vacation to the MOON....would you go? Why or why not?"
Of course! I already have so many friends there and the view of Uranus is wonderful. I always wanted to use Uranus in my blog but couldn't figure out how to fit in Uranus.

Silvernicks rides me with the movie question "An extremely wealthy man wants to give you a hundred million dollars so you and your wife can life happily ever after, but first you must have a "one nighter" with him, what would you do?"
Oh wait...there is a twist to this question. I have to sleep with him (turns sheepishly white)? Sorry honey, we are gonna be poor.

WriterDebNJ enters the arena with a devasting blow "The Queen has decided she needs a break. She and RunningSlow are going to a resort island for a week - leaving you with ALL the kids and there is NOBODY to come help you at all! How do you handle this? "
As long as I have duct tape, all is good. The youngest might squirm her way out, so her closet door will have to be locked.

Cyndelee drops the double bomb on me with "if you came home, from a business trip.. and Queen told you she needed to talk and she told you that, she's pregnant with triplets..What would you do?"
OK, no fair with the double drop! Oh, can ask anything...Um...this is a trick question right? Do you know something I don't? I would support her whole heartedly of course...Hi honey Please don't post another picture of me like that.
"If you were stranded on an island and you could have 5 things.. what would they be?"
Easy! A boat, A 5 star hotel, An intense amount of money (meaning the numbers of dollars would start with a B), my wife (Hi again honey!), and her boyfriend Pablo or whoever she has now (I want to make sure she is happy).

Browneyedpsycho opens the forum with "what is the wierdest food you ever ate?"
I am so glad you asked. I actually don't eat food. I just strip the meat straight off the cow and lightly kiss it with a very large eye-brow singeing flame. I have at one time tried grown in the ground, plant and found that I could stand to see a plant die just to feed me.


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