Nail Polish and Cell Phones

I often drive. Fact is, I love to pile the entire family into the car and “explore” the most unique areas of the United States. I have blogged about this several times. But there are several things that make me nervous when it comes to entering the road with other drivers on it.

Cell phones are just the tip of the engine block. I am not a proponent of making a law to restrict the use of non-hands-free cell phones. I believe there are already enough laws we have a hard time enforcing, especially since there are often laws already on the books. Take for instance Washington, DC. On July 1, 2004, DC made a Distracted Driving Safety Act making it illegal for motorists to use a mobile phone or other electronic device while driving in the District of Columbia, unless the telephone or device is equipped with a hands-free accessory. Other urban areas such as Chicago are following suit with this new law.

This already brings me to my point (as I almost always have one). Why stop there? People are distracted all of the time in the vehicle. It ranges from turning their vehicle into a restaurant or polishing my toenails.

One year ago today, I had someone slam into the back of my vehicle while I was stopped at the light waiting for the arrow to turn green. Here is how it all went down…

Toto and I were stopped about three cars back in the left turn lane on Lake Shore drive in Chicago. I had enough time to look in my rear view mirror and think “What the” before the White Toyota Corolla slammed into us going about 50 miles per hour. We were then pushed completely under the Ford pickup truck in front of us, and pushed into the Cadillac in front of him while twisting into the next left turn lane to the right. The other lane just happened to have another car coming down and we slammed into that car as well. Glass was flying everywhere.

Five cars total were involved and the pickup truck was on the roof of our car (not the hood, the roof). I began exiting the vehicle when the pickup rolled down enough to get 2 tires on the road. Toto exclaimed “Dude, hold on we are still moving!” When we believed all of the movement stopped, he stated that I need to get out now.

Meanwhile I am attempting to remove my keys from the ignition not realizing it was not longer attached to the steering column and was sort of dangling (thus making it complicated in my rather shocked and confused state). I exited. While Toto was crossing over the drivers side, he noticed his Mountain Dew can and stated “Dammit, I just opened that Dew!” Understand, Toto drinks about 2 gallons of Dew per day. Dew is a precious commodity for him.

After he stepped out of the vehicle, he started back into to find his cell phone. I was already climbing in to find my cell phone (you never know who is going to call you in the middle of a 5 car pileup). I found mine straight off and dug my hand through the glass to find his under the passenger seat. I finally turned off the car and climbed out.

Toto informed me to call the QueenSuchandSuch and he would call work. Yes, we called work BEFORE calling 911. Why? Well, we had a meeting and we wanted to make sure someone knew we were going to be late….real late. We are both shaking like a leaf because of the cold and the shock that we lived through it all. So, while Toto makes his call, he lights up a cigarette. The lady who car we slid into the other lane, ran over to Toto to inform him he should not smoke that right now…that the ground being covered in gasoline may cause a disruption in the ambulance crew being able to tend to our needs.

He looked down and thought “hmm…” He tossed it across the street. At this point I am talking to the Queen and the discussion goes something like this:

Me: (With somewhat slow and slurred speech) Hi Hon. Um, we had an accident.
Queen: WHAT?
Me: We had an accident…this guy plowed into us and the car…
Queen: Are you OK?
Me: is not going to make it. I think…I think we are probably going to the hospital
Queen: WHAT? Are you OK? Are you OK?!
Me: I think I am fine, but I think we are going to the hospital and…
Queen: Are you or aren’t you?
Toto: We are going to the hospital
Me: Apparently, we are going to the hospital…I will call you when I find out which one…probably Northwestern…
Queen: Call me as soon as you know
Me: OK.

I begin taking inventory of vehicles and notice that everyone is fine and the lady in the other lane is flipping out. We calmed her down and the one person who you would think would check on everyone had the yellow pages out and was on his cell phone. I have two problems here. How many people keep yellow pages in their car? Second, who the hell was he calling? He told the officer he was calling a tow truck. He didn’t check on anyone. No remorse. In fact, he stated I stopped short in court. Stopped short? How short could I have possibly not stopped to have him have enough room to stop his vehicle when he never hit the brakes going 50 miles per hour? He was found guilty. Everyone knew he was using the left turn lane as his passing lane. So now, his Bob’s basement insurance company has to pay out… in 5 years…according to the statue of limitations. I should have duct taped his arse.

We ended up with minor bumps, bruises, and concussions.

What was he really doing? Talking on his cell phone…and probably looking something up in the yellow pages. Does it bother you when people eat, shave, polish their toenails (which I have seen), put on makeup, eyeliner, brush teeth, yell at children in the back seat, shampoo their dog or even fight aliens? Do we need to create a law every time people are not paying attention, or should we just use the existing inattentive driving law most every state already has? At what point have we gone too far? Do drive-thru restaurants help contribute to inattentive driving?

Toss out from the Big Mac and put your hands on the wheel!


momofjenmatt said…
I give you so much credit for doing this. I am still torn, Some people are saying we should stay and fight, or have free blogs ( I have premium ). I feel really bad now, because people are going to miss your posts so much and what if none comes here? Someone did give me a new blog ring that they sarted called blog patrol, I joined even though, I might leave. Maybe we should give xanga a chance to clean up? Like I said I'm torn, I feel hypocrytical if I stay, i feel like maybe I should to make people aware. Maybe you should come back and work with me and the blog ring. What are your thoughts?

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