Big Hands, Big Feet

I am 5 feet 10 inches with an average build. I have average size hands with average size 10 shoes. I have the average american weight for my average height. I am average.

Tonight, while I was helping take out the trash, my neighbor across the street was also taking out the trash. I greeted him with my usual "Hey Joe!" I am not sure if his name is really Joe though. He walked up to me and had his hand out to shake.

Joe is a big man. He is a six foot three truck driver that looks as if he could lift a Cadillac. So as I reach for his hand, I fear he is going to crush it. His hand is massive. What does a guy of average size do when faced with a hand of Kong. First he thinks "don't hurt me" and then he learns to shake daintily.

What rational reasoning do I have to fear that this neighbor would want to power drive me into the mailbox? Is this a hidden fear? Am I insecure? Why do women think that big hands or big feet automatically indicates a large schmuck?

This brings me to my point (as I almost always have one). Why aren't there myths or otherwise of women's feet in comparison to women's nether regions? Do we really know? I say, let's make one right here, right now.

Women with curly hair are best in bed. How about... big breasted babes blow balloons up better.

Basically, this is stupid. Feet and Hands have nothing to do with anatomical size. It is all about genetics. Some people have it, and some people don't.

The Queen has been out of town for 17 days. Can you tell?

Did you know...

Largest penis in the animal kingdom is 11 feet (blue whale).


Nirek said…
Hey john,
thats an interesting read. (may be its a problem, your blog may get listed in some porno sites list because of those words....)
High Priestess said…
Queen come home so we can have our old Tatonka back on the train! This one only counts down the days until you return and drinks himself silly with Long Island Ice Teas. I'm not really sure the ones he has in the morning are really Arizona Ice Teas! It's apparent that you're missed!
Unknown said…
One of he bigest myth, that big feet= big genitals.

thanx for droppin by mi blog.

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