Surprise! The Queen Turns...

Little did I know when I woke up this morning that I was part of a master plan devised by the kids...all of them...even the 3 year old. Apparently, they had colluded with one of the Queen's friends to throw a surprise birthday party since the Queen's birthday is Tuesday. Balloons were purchased, as were streamers, punch, gifts and everything.

Neither the Queen nor I knew anything about it. It wasn't until her friend decided to take the Queen to breakfast that made me suspicious.

The Queen wasn't 10 steps out of the house when the Party Depot exploded in my family room. Since I had not gotten her a gift, I decided that the festivities (in the theme of the ocean) need some food. So, while the kids did their magic, I headed to the grocery store.

To match up with the ocean theme (there is considerably more history about the ocean reasoning here) and because my wife was seriously missing the Mid-Altantic, I decided to go ahead and buy the Phillip's Crab Cakes.

For those of you who have no inkling as to the significance of the crab cake I will explain. When you live near the Chesapeake Bay or in Mid-Atlantic, the Maryland blue crab is considered a delicacy. In the resort town of Ocean City, Maryland, a small restaurant chain named Phillip's Crab House makes what many consider the best Maryland crab cake in the world. I am fortunate enough to have a grocery store that carries the frozen version.

I grabbed the crab cakes and a variety of other items and headed home much poorer than when I entered the store. I should not go to the grocery store hungry but that is an entirely different blog entry.

This brings me to my point (as I almost always have one). Happy Birthday my Queen! You are only as old as you want to be...and this year, you are 27 with 28 candles on the cake.

You see, the Queen for the past year has believed she is 28 years old. She is 27. After showing her through the new math (2006-1978=28) that she turns 28 this year, she had a bit of shock on her face. Dismissing that she had been wrong for an entire year, she informed me that since she MISSED her entire 27th year, that she would celebrate 27 this year and she will be 29 next year.

OK. It really doesn't matter. You are only as old as you feel.

Happy 27th Birthday my Queen!

Did you know...

According to the Guinness Book of World Records, "Happy Birthday to You" is the most popular song in the English language. The version as we know it was copyrighted in 1935 by the Summy Company as an arrangement by Preston Ware Orem, and is scheduled to expire in 2030. The company holding the copyright was purchased by Warner Chappell in 1990 for $15 million dollars, with the value of "Happy Birthday" estimated at $5 million. While the current copyright status of the song is unclear, Warner claims that unauthorized public performances of the song are technically illegal unless royalties are paid to them.


High Priestess said…
Happy Birthday Queen Such and Such, Long Live the Queen!

Nirek said…
ohh... thats interesting narration of ur wife's birthday party.
Its very much true that" you are as old as you want to be"

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