Meeting Hell

I know it has been a while since I last posted. I actually have plenty of post ideas, I have just been either on vacation, working (which they no longer allow me to post from work), or spending time with the Queen and kids.

I have discovered a few things in my time away from blogosphere. First, you find out that people actually read the dribble you write and actually wonder and ask why you haven't written an entry lately. Second, sleep is nice.

You see, I actually caught up on some sleep since I have been away. There were a couple nights a didn't fall asleep until around 1:30, but the majority of the vacation I fell to sleep rather easily. Have you ever noticed how people can manage to stay awake into the wee early morning hours when the Dunkin Donut guy goes to work, but you can't seem to keep your head up in meetings?

I live in meeting hell. I spend at least 75% of my work day in a meeting of some sort. Then, people complain because they have these unreal expectations that I am going to be able to have actual work completed by a certain date. I am finished with that.

Let's take yesterday... Yesterday, I spent 7 hours of my workday in meetings. What did I accomplish? Well, I nearly had the jaw drop and droolage during one meeting. I managed to prevent one of those nods moments from becoming a bloody nose during an afternoon meeting. During the last meeting when I knew I had absolutely no input on the conversation, I think I may have found a way to wear out silly putty (I carry it with me to keep from falling asleep).

I have actually fallen asleep before, but I blew it off in that Jack Nicholson voice saying "Are we actually going to talk about something that won't make me doze off?" The worst is when you are having a company meeting and the CEO is standing in front of you. No amount of silly putty in the world would help in those meetings.

This brings me to my point (as I almost always have one). Doesn't anybody wonder why American productivity is being impacted? Could it be because a great chunk of the workforce are in meetings? I understand the need for communications, but at what point is it a wash? At what point is it detrimental to hold a meeting? Who really needs a recurring meeting every day for an hour? So we really need to go over the same subject every day? Why can't they schedule meetings someplace you can stay awake?

I suggest that we hold all meetings in amusement parks or bars. I never seem to fall asleep when I am rocketing forward on a roller coaster from 0 to 128 mph in just under 4 seconds.

Did you know...

Six Flags Great Adventure "
Kingda Ka" roller coaster is the tallest and fastest roller coaster. It stands 456 feet high and fires the riders off at 128 miles per hour.


Rigmor said…
All my sympathy for meetings! I spent 3 hours of my working day travelling between different meetings. It's not the most efficient way of working that I can imagine, but then again, I don't get to take those decisions, I just get to do the travelling. As soon as you refuse to get stressed out because of the lack of time, it's not too bad any more, tho...

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