Enjoyment Every Day of the Week

*** Warning***
Today’s post contains body functions and no duct tape.

There is an everyday activity that almost everyone in the world enjoys. No, it is not sleeping. Some of us do not sleep well. You guessed it. It is going pee.

There is something about a good pee. Let’s get into feeling the pee a little deeper than a stream of water and salt. The brain just doesn’t function correctly when you have to pee. Honestly, when someone is talking to you and you have to pee, do you catch every other word and think “hurry up and get to your point” or do you sit there and understand everything coming out of their mouth? Right! The brain is flooded with sensory overload from the bladder telling you that your time is running out. Your brain is foggy, you feel weak in the knees, you get the shakes, your hand trembles until the big release.

When you have to pee really badly, doesn’t it make you uncomfortable? Do you feel as though any air pressure changes close to your bladder would in your mind be a catastrophe? Don’t you actually get upset with someone when they run water? Are there times when you have to pee so bad you are willing to stop the car right in the middle of the road so you can write your name in the snow? Of course you do! Why? Because that is the way your body tells you it wants to have fun.

Do you now understand why people pee in public? You know, women are permitted to breastfeed in public, (No hate comments please, I will come to my point) and I personally do not have a problem with it. A baby has got to eat right? So, what is wrong with peeing in public? It too is a natural process and people get real enjoyment out of a good pee. Yeah, Yeah, it can stink to high heaven, but it is still natural.

When you wake up in the morning, isn’t going pee one of the first things that crosses your mind? While going pee don’t you often think “ohhhhh…yeaaahhhhh?” I do.

I could have had my backside handed to me by the wicked witch of the north and her flying monkeys but when I walk into the restroom and stand in front of the urinal, feel the cold water and porcelain up against my…(OK, too far)… and my day is instantly improved.

This brings me to my point (as I always have one). Why do we make pee a subject people do not actually talk about? While standing in the men’s room I mentioned to a co-worker how good taking a pee feels and he looked me with that “what?” face. How is it talking about pee is taboo? We can have long-winded discussions and debates about breastfeeding, but not say a word about pee? Oh, and don’t get me started on poo.

Woohoo, I have to go pee!


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