We the people...

That government is best which governs the least, because its people discipline themselves.

Thomas Jefferson

I tend to stay out of politics with my blog for a couple of reasons, there is no humor in politics and it is a volatile subject and I am a big wimp when it comes to confrontation. I think that once you bring political views into your personal space, it has gone too far. But, at what point do we say enough is enough? Today, I am experimenting with it because it came to me that people are letting things happen, complaining and not doing anything about it.

We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

Well, aren’t we all confused. We agreed to insure domestic tranquility. Do you think that requiring Google to hand over all of their search records or providing federal back-doors to your operating systems were in the plans when they wrote this? How about when you check out a “questionable” book out of the library and having your name show up on THAT hot sheet?

On the other hand, there is securing the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity. Liberty is one of the most powerful words of human kind. We became the empire we are from liberty and the freedoms afforded to us by the Constitution. When I say we, I mean the United States. As a Native American, the treaties and bonds are a whole separate issue.

We the people have managed to make the government bigger than we ever have in the United States history. We have created multiple agencies specifically to intrude on the privacy of the United States citizens for the security of the United States citizens. I don’t have issue with the FBI; I have issue with the NSA, and Homeland Security. Were or are we all in so much fear that we were willing to accept anything we had to in order to insure domestic tranquility?

So what will happen…when Fahrenheit 351, Minority Report and 1984 actually happen? What happens when everyone in the United States is given a number like a social security number? What happens when your DNA is compiled and stored in a federal database like a blood bank? What happens when profiling is used to find those criminals and terrorist like at airports and stadiums? Will you feel safer? Will it be worth giving up every bit of information to the largest data repository in the world to store what you are going to eat, where you are going to sleep, and how many Fruit Loops are in your bowl?

What if I told you they know. They know all of this information. They know I am typing this blog. They know everything about me and can find me at a moments notice. Why does it take so long to find a mass-murdering ass like Osama BinLaden? He doesn’t live in the United States. This information is great for the federal police forces.

What about mistakes? What happens when the profiler is wrong and they arrest your brother? What happens when you hear a mysterious clicking on your phone one hour after reading this blog?

This brings me to my point (as I almost always have one). We the people. We are the people. We the people need to stand up, stand out, and make our opinions known about for the better good of the United States of America; in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

How do you insure domestic tranquility and secure the blessings of liberty? How do you make yourself heard? Through the vote? Common or popular vote does not work as demonstrated in four prior elections (1824, 1876, 1888, 2000). The high executive seats are decided by the electoral college. So how is it really, we the people? Do YOU feel your liberties are being infringed upon?

I will step down from my soap box now. Hopefully, I will never have to post one of these ever again. Politics is not fun or funny. I just worry about my posterity.


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