The Queen of Denial

I have been blogging for just over a month now and recently had a discussion with a co-worker (I will call jessieryder for the purpose of the blog) over my writing and people who read it. Jessieryder is a blogger on another board called 43 Things and writes intermittently.

Well, he apparently reads my blog as what he calls a “lurker.” We were trying to define the terms for each of the readers and this is what we figured out.

Lurker: Someone who reads a certain persons blog but does not have an account with said service (in my case Xanga). Jessieryder is a lurker.

Stalker: Someone who reads a certain persons blog but has an account with the service. These are people with an account that NEVER actually write a blog. People who are stalkers are often keeping track of multiple people’s writings through the subscription service.

Loyal Subscribers: These are people who subscribe and comment on blogs written. For most people, they are the best type of reader to have.

Featured Content Browsers: When you happen to make featured content, these people are the walk in readers who leave a comment and become evolve into stalker or loyal subscriber.

Featured Content Spammers: When you happen to make featured content, these people are the walk in “readers” who never really read the blog and put their own message like “Are you suffering from erectile dysfunction? Go to my site and comment!” or “Random props.” I am not a big fan of those.

There…I am not sure if there are other nomenclatures for the one I have made up, but this is how I categorize them.

As I was explaining this to my wife while we are sitting in bed reading MY subscriptions last night, she informed me that I am addicted to Xanga. I was appalled that she would claim I had an addiction. How dare she claim such a thing while SHE was sitting in the same bed with her laptop reading her subscriptions. So, as I began to provide my objection, she unplugged the power cord and grabbed her laptop.

My wife (QueenSuchandSuch) shuffles toward the bathroom and I ask her what she was doing. She informed me I should shut up and that I had better NOT write about this (I raise my one eyebrow). She steps into the bathroom with a laptop in one hand and begins the one-handed panty pull with the other. She is actually going to sit on her throne and blog. I guess she figures that the laptop is too close to type properly and she pulls over the 24 pack of Charmin (see yesterday blog comments) and uses it as a table to hold the laptop.

I walk in there to see how this is working out for her and break out in hysterics. My wife is sitting on the pot, reading her subs on her laptop, delicately placed on the Charmin. My first thought is "Where is my digital camera?" She informed me again that I was to tell can I not? This is just BEGGING to be told and I am SURE I will pay for it later, but I am on my way to Tampa tomorrow morning, so I will risk it.

This brings me to my point (as I almost always have one); Actually, today I have more than one. Laptops in the bathroom? I use a Blackberry in the bathroom. It is less intrusive and people don’t give you that “what do you think you are doing with that in there” look. How far can an addiction go before it is too far? How can you tell if you are addicted? Is there a Xangans anonymous group? A 12 step program? How does DSM-IV define a Xanga addiction? Is my wife an addict? I think so.

The second point is what does it matter what kind of reader you are? I don’t care if you are a Lurker, Stalker, Loyal Subscriber or Featured Content Browser (noticed I didn’t say Featured Content Spammer). The reason I write is for me. The reason I read is for me. For those who leave comments, I am eternally grateful. I like reading peoples reaction.

OK, I have to go read my subs.


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