Morning Rides to the Station

There are certain mornings that I will have the priviledge of having my wife drive me to the train stations in the spacepod. Besides her driving the oversized roller skate like a Formula 1 car, she tends to talk to me.

Normally, my day starts in the following way: I get out of bed and walk to the bathroom in the dark using my blackberry light to prevent stepping on the cat or alien spaceship. I attempt to drain the hot water heater before my daughter does, dry off, brush teeth, and then begin clothing myself. After I have fully clothed (checking to make sure I have the train ticket, bus ticket, wallet, company badge, blackberry, laptop, and keys) and give the wife a kiss on the cheek before I head downstairs. I check the news for weather (you have to check the weather here...of course the forecast will change an hour later) and head out the door.

As I drive my van to the station myself and plan out my day from the parking at the train station to how many appointments I have and oh, when I can manage to fit in enough time to go to the bathroom. I think and if I have it all scheduled out in my head, I will listen to the radio.

However, when my wife escort me to the station, my drive to the station is interrupted with (get this) talk. She wants to talk. She also wants my feedback. Now, is it me or does anyone else have a certain amount of preparation and procedure that you go through before the day starts? What happens when that preparation is disrupted? For me, it tends to throw off my entire day.

Back in the van, I seat myself with one hand firmly clasped to the "Oh Shit" bar. That is the handle above the doorway to help prevent you from flying over to the other side of the vehicle when someone take a pinhair turn at 150MPH. And we are off....

This is where she wants to talk about the kids school work or deep discussions about her Mom's group issues and how she should approach them. The problem is, I have already started focusing on my day. So at this point, there is a direct correlation with Charlie Brown's teacher and I hear "Blah blah blah, blah blah blah blah." I am not trying to disrespect her in any way. The fact is, if I don't plan out my day, I will NOT be on my game at work. When she asks for a response, I often feel like the deer in the headlights.

I love my wife. She looks at me, realizes I am in work mode, and continues to talk just as if I actually answered her knowing what she was saying.

This brings me to my point (as I almost always have one). Write down your dreams. You are thinking...WOW, that was a stretch. Actually, my wife talks to me about her dreams so I can help her interpret them. Lately, she has attempted several times to discuss her dreams while driving me to work. If she writes down her dream (and as many of the details as possible) she can ask me to help her interpret them later. Although, if she writes them down, she will probably figure it out for herself by the time she wants to talk to me about it.

Did you know...

The average person has 1,460 dreams per year.


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