My Generation

At some point in time, I realized that I was seperated from other generations. It dawned on me that I was now part of an older generation looking at the younger generation and trying to understand what is wrong with them. I KNOW we didn't act that way. OK, we did act that way.

I remember thinking that when my favorite songs are all place on a album called something like "awesome 80s," I was officially old. I remember thinking that when you start wanting to watch the news, you are old. I remember. Little.

I guess this is a good thing because if I remembered everything that defined me as old, I would probably want to drive around wearing my parachute pants and OP t-shirt with a Mr. Microphone in my Pontiac Fiero yelling "Hey good lookin! We'll be back to pick you up later!"

What is it about nostalgia that makes people miss things or events? I have to admit there are some things I don't miss (mostly because I didn't like them back then) like night time soap operas such as Dallas, Falcon Crest, Dynasty and the like. The only "soap" I liked was SOAP. For all of you youngins reading this, that was a satirical soap opera with Richard Mulligan and Billy Crystal to name just two. I loved that show. I found out today that all four seasons are on DVD. Guess I am adding THAT to my wish list.

It probably doesn't help that I grew up in front of the TV attached to my Atari and Commodore 64.

My parents frowned on me watching Star Trek. It was too "stupid." I thought I learned a lot from that show about transporter psychosis and how to get turned on by green chicks. Among my favorites was MacGuyver (the true duct tape king), the A-Team and Dr. Who followed closely by Monte Python and Benny Hill. I made SURE that my Mom was not home those nights. I remember coming home from school and plopping my but down with my case of Oreos and Gallon of milk to watch Gilligan's Island...OK...stop here a sec.

Why is it two things happened while I watched this show? First, MaryAnn was hot. Err...I mean first, how was it they were able to created one way radios, pedal cars and pedal generators, but they could fix the BOAT!? Second, how come I never thought of that during all of those years of WATCHING?!

Back to my point (as I almost always have one). When your kids start to mention how old you are and that you still "act" young. Inform them that 3-2-1 Contact was once a TV show that taught adults how to BEAT their children for telling them they were old. Inform them that you can always call Mr. T and he will fly....I mean drive over here and pity the fool who calls me old! Because as the great MC Hammer stated "Can't touch this!"

Did you know...

A private elementary school in Alexandria, Virginia, accidentally served margaritas to its schoolchildren, thinking it was limeade.


Nirek said…
I too spend time seeing Star Trek and 'Night Rider' soaps during my childhood. Felt got old and matured when my little cousin enjoying Pokemon cartoons. :)
Rigmor said…
Well, I remember being about 10 years old watching Baywatch - convinced it was really a programme about life guards and shouting my uncle out of the house when he called it babe-watch.
Anonymous said…
now singing can't touch this... break it down! or was it one more time?!

i can relate to the 70's or 80's through music. we have different tv shows. considering i'm from a different country.

But even hubby says he is suprised to hear a 21-yr-old singing Carpenters, Stevie Wonder, Roberta Flack,Abba,Matt Monroe,Frank Sinatra... oh i can't stopppppppppppppppppppppp..

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