Short and to the Point

I hate my job.

This brings me to my point (as I almost always have one). Why is it I can look at everything else going on around me and find the magic fix, the resolution, the point. But when it comes to dealing with my own crap, I am hard pressed to see the solution. I guess it is like trying to see the forest from the trees.

I actually have contingency plans in place if I happen to lose / quit my job. I say quit because it costs less than going postal. The contingency plans aren't great and would require a large amount of belt tightening, but there are options. I am just more willing to deal with the bull than to take that step (although today was really pushing my limits).

Did you know...

An employee of the Alabama Department of Transportation installed spyware on his boss's computer and proved that the boss spent 10% of his time working (20% of time checking stocks and 70% of the time playing solitaire). The employee was fired, the boss kept his job.


Janet Spiegel said…
I don't know why, but your post just made my day. I love the stats about the boss. Try to hold onto your job until you find another. It is much easier to find a new job while you are still employed than to search for a job while unemployed. Good luck!
Anonymous said…
if it makes u feel better, i'm willing to take any job just so i can work. hold on to it while you're looking for a better one :o)

what is your job, btw?
Nirek said…
what happened John? is the work not challenging?
Anonymous said…
Nice; your comments have been forwarded to HR. j.k.

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