Weigh This!

My wife has purchased a scale. I have never had a scale in my house, let alone my master bathroom. I hate it already. It is a weight watcher scale that measures in tenths of a pound confirming to me information I already knew.

My major problem with the scale is now I want to weigh myself every time I enter or exit the bathroom. For example:

Yesterday I woke up and headed toward the toilet for my usual morning pee. Oh, wait...let's see how much weight I lose by going pee! So I perform the ritual necessary to make the scale work and I weigh myself. After doing my business in the toilet, I again step on the scale to discover I lost .6 pounds just by going pee. That is so cool!

Later that morning, I was about to take my shower when I though "OK, what is my true weight?" I again perform the procedure to discover that all of my clothes add up to about 4.3 pounds. So, now as I stand there naked looking at the scale digits I determine how much weight I really need to lose.

I weighed myself two other times before dinner just for tracking purposes. I like to see my progress.

That evening, after dinner, I went upstairs to the master bathroom to perform my business. I again questioned how much weight is lost this time. I performed the scalactic ritual and stepped aboard. After relieving what I thought was about two large cheeseburgers in weight, I again climbed aboard. I gained 1.4 pounds in a single day! This scale is terrible! Who in the world would bring this awful thing into the house?!

This brings me to my point (as I almost always have one). When you are considering buying a scale to bring into a house that has NEVER had one, you may want to check with your spouse before doing so. You may find that he/she is a real number cruncher and can't stand to see the numbers roll in the wrong direction.

Why do they sell scales in the first place? Are we all so self-conscious that we need to step on it every time we "feel" like we are beginning to bloat? Pick up your scale, place it carefully in a box or insulated bag and carry it outside. Then, go get the sledgehammer (or mull) out of the garage, and begin pounding it profusely until it show the numbers you want it to show continuously or dies, whichever comes first.

Did you know...

Most of the deck chairs on the Queen Mary 2 have had to be replaced because overweight Americans were breaking them.


Anonymous said…
Blame daily weight gains on increased barometric pressure that day. It’s what I do. Through these measurements, I’ve been able to prove that the human body can withstand much higher atmospheric pressures than scientists previously thought possible.
Meg said…
I usually try to blame it on eating salt and not drinking enough water. I have a WW scale but my OLD scale is nicer than the new one is...the old one weighs me 2.5 pounds LESS than the new.
To get a measure of how accurate that scale is, put a 10 pound dumbbell on it and if it weighs in at 10 pounds, it's accurate.
Anonymous said…
I think your bathroom door needs to be kept locked, and only Queen SuchandSuch can let you in. Better yet, the door needs to be duct-taped shut!

I hate scales, but AI still weigh myself ONE TIME each day!

Hope you and the family are doing great! Still miss you on Xanga!

Anonymous said…
Actually "Al" doesn't weigh me - I weigh myself, lol. And, I'm not trying to be anonymous - it's just easier for me to make sure this goes through that way!

Zephra said…
I got a scale in the kitchen. I find you weigh the least in the morning so I only use it then. No sense in depressing myself throughout the day.

Thanks for coming by my place and commenting. I have a brother who lives in Plainfield. Nice area.
momofjenmatt said…
I know what you mean about being a slave to the scale, I finally got rid of mine, you pee you lose wieght you eat a craker you gain etc... it will just drive you crazy.
momofjenmatt said…
by the way I answered your question
Nirek said…
you didnt tell us whats your actual weight is?
Anonymous said…
I don't think everyone weighs themselves when they use the facilities. I don't, and can't bother to.

A friend of mine bought a new scale too, and he said that it came with a fat content calculator. Through a mistake, he put the setting on "female", without realizing it, and it told him that he has 45% body fat. He took that as the truth and started dieting like crazy. A few months later, he realized that he had the scale on the wrong setting, and he only has something like 15% body fat to his weight. I thought this was a funny story.
Anonymous said…
so what's your weight minus all the crap that humans wear for day-to-day existence?!

you really crack me up there. hehehe! i only measure my weight when we're at my mom-in-law's. she has a scale. thank God we don't have here.
it's an addiction :o)
Anonymous said…
I have two; one isn't used because now there is the digital one... i need to throw them both away.

I've been ont he QEII, but I promise I did not break any chairs
Rigmor said…
"I weighed myself two other times before dinner just for tracking purposes. I like to see my progress."

This addition is exactly why I steer away from scales!

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